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#1 Liv/Ragged Edge

The Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality Bible Companion explores the personal journal of King Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes. If you struggle to find contentment and joy in life, then this Bible Companion will impart wisdom for living at its best.
€7.59 €4.55


The Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality Bible Companion explores the personal journal of King Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes. If you struggle to find contentment and joy in life, then this Bible Companion will impart wisdom for living at its best.
€7.59 €4.55

#12 Liv/Ragged Edge

The Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality Bible Companion explores the personal journal of King Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes. If you struggle to find contentment and joy in life, then this Bible Companion will impart wisdom for living at its best.
€7.59 €4.55

#2 Liv/Ragged Edge

The Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality Bible Companion explores the personal journal of King Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes. If you struggle to find contentment and joy in life, then this Bible Companion will impart wisdom for living at its best.
€7.59 €4.55

#4 Liv/Ragged Edge

The Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality Bible Companion explores the personal journal of King Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes. If you struggle to find contentment and joy in life, then this Bible Companion will impart wisdom for living at its best.
€7.59 €4.55

#7 Liv/Ragged Edge

The Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality Bible Companion explores the personal journal of King Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes. If you struggle to find contentment and joy in life, then this Bible Companion will impart wisdom for living at its best.
€7.59 €4.55

#9 Liv/Ragged Edge

The Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality Bible Companion explores the personal journal of King Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes. If you struggle to find contentment and joy in life, then this Bible Companion will impart wisdom for living at its best.
€7.59 €4.55


Join the ride on one young woman's faith journey through cancer and its unexpected twists and turns.
€14.24 €8.54

¡Baje la guardia!

Una alternativa refrescante a las heridas y temores en las relaciones personales.
€12.34 €7.40


Descubra las 7 elecciones que usted debe hacer. Ante usted hay una multitud de elecciones en espera de ser hechas.
€21.84 €13.10

¡Cuán grande es nuestro Dios!

En la continuación de Indescriptible, su devocional best seller para niños, Cuán grande es nuestro Dios del pastor Louie Giglio ofrece 100 hechos y devociones nuevos e increíbles sobre Dios y la ciencia para despertar el asombro de su hijo por el Creador.
€16.14 €9.68

¡Guarda tus tristezas en una caja grande, siéntate encima y ríe!

Anécdotas agridulces del peregrinaje por los caminos de la vida.
€11.39 €6.83

¡Oíme bien Satanás!

Cómo recuperar la autoridad espiritual que Dios le ha otorgado al hombre.
€13.29 €7.97

¡Ponga al elefante en su bolsillo!

Un libro acerca del pensamiento estratégico y una actitud exitosa para el negocio.
€16.14 €9.68

¡Power People! Gente de potencial

La persona con el sello ¡POWER PEOPLE!-Gente de Potencial- es aquella que brilla en cualquier escenario, por su actitud ganadora y su capacidad de proyectar todo en una sola palabra: ganas.
€13.29 €7.97

¡Qué bueno que me dijiste lo que no quería oír!

Historias de los sufrimientos de la vida y la sanidad de Dios a través de la risa.
€12.34 €7.40

¡Usted nació original, no muera como una copia!

Enseñanzas para cada semana que le permitirá conocer el plan de Dios para su vida.
€7.59 €4.55

¡Vive tu sueño!

Autor de éxitos de librería de New York Times y Business Week, John C. Maxwell, ayuda a la gente a contestar diez preguntas poderosas que revelan un futuro en el que se cumplen sus sueños.
€14.24 €8.54


Para hacer que los clientes de hoy en día continúen regresando, usted no puede tan solo dar un buen o incluso fabuloso servicio al cliente. Usted tiene que exceder sus expectativas.
€16.14 €9.68

¡Wow! Ventas

Ahora los vendedores profesionales pueden aprovechar la fórmula de¡Wow! Ventaspara impresionar a sus compradores y aumentar su clientela.
€16.14 €9.68

¿Cómo compro inteligentemente?

Estirar el dinero parece ser lo que todos desean. Como vivimos en una sociedad donde impera el consumerismo, se hace difícil comprar lo que se necesita no por emociones ni deseos.
€8.54 €5.12

¿Cómo llego a fin de mes?

Partiendo de una lista de principios para manejar efectivamente las finanzas, esta obra ofrece un método para alcanzar la prosperidad personal y la seguridad financiera.
€13.29 €7.97

¿Cómo llego a fin de mes?

Partiendo de una lista de principios para manejar efectivamente las finanzas, esta obra ofrece un método para alcanzar la prosperidad personal y la seguridad financiera.
€13.29 €7.97

¿Cómo llego a fin de mes?

Partiendo de una lista de principios para manejar efectivamente las finanzas, esta obra ofrece un método para alcanzar la prosperidad personal y la seguridad financiera.
€5.70 €3.42

¿Cómo matar a 11 millones de personas?

Muy similar al personaje de uno de sus libros más populares, Andy Andrews es, ante todo, un Observador.
€14.24 €8.54

¿Cómo salgo de mis deudas?

Cómo salir de deudas parecer ser algo que está en la mente de todos.
€8.54 €5.12

¿Dónde se fue mi risa?

¡Una forma feliz de tratar con el malhumor! En ¿Dónde se fue mi risa? del amado autor inspirador Max Lucado, un chico joven busca por todas partes sus risas antes de darse cuenta de que la mejor manera de ser feliz es ¡ayudar a otros a ser felices!
€12.34 €7.40

¿Es este el fin?

Desde las pistas proféticas que aparecen en las Escrituras, hasta una comprensión del poder de Cristo en todos los creyentes, este libro nos dirige por una clara senda hacia el futuro.
€13.29 €7.97

¿Me explico?

El exitoso líder empresarial Terry Felber reaviva el interés en el arte perdido de la comunicación, compartiendo diez habilidades que todos pueden desarrollar para mejorar tanto sus relaciones personales como sus tratos comerciales.
€12.34 €7.40

¿Ni tan sólo una hora?

Principios que pueden cambiar la vida, el ministerio, el hogar, la iglesia y el mun-do, a través de la oración.
€12.34 €7.40

¿Pareja de un día o de por vida?

Este libro ayuda a los hombres y a las mujeres que desean matrimonios saludables y satisfactorios a identificar las primeras señales de advertencia de una relación dañina.
€14.24 €8.54

¿Puede aún confiar en Dios?

Cuando las cosas van bien, confiar en el Señor es fácil. Pero cuando asaltan pruebas dolorosas, necesidades insatisfechas o sueños perdidos, ¿se pregunta si aún puede confiar en Dios?
€16.14 €9.68

¿Puede el hombre vivir sin Dios?

La realidad de la existencia de Dios es algo de urgente importancia en la vida diaria.
€12.34 €7.40

¿Puede el hombre vivir sin Dios?

La realidad de la existencia de Dios es algo de urgente importancia en la vida diaria.
€15.19 €9.11

¿Pueden nuestros seres queridos vernos desde el más allá?

En¿Pueden nuestros seres queridos vernos desde el más allá?- Cecil Murphey y Twila Belk dan respuesta a algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el cielo.
€9.49 €5.69

¿Qué comería Jesús?

Este amplio plan de comida examina la Biblia y revela lo que sabemos que Jesús comía y lo que por lógica podemos comenzar con confianza. Valiéndose de las investigaciones médicas, ¿Qué comería Jesús? nos enseña y demuestra porque la dieta de Jesús es ideal también para el siglo 21.
€13.29 €7.97

¿Qué enojó a Jesús?

Tim Harlow, pastor principal de Parkview Christian Church, ayuda a los cristianos a redescubrir al apasionado Salvador de la Biblia, que todavía es relevante en la actualidad.
€13.29 €7.97

¿Qué hacemos con estos músicos?

Un análisis del muy conocido líder de adoración respecto al ministerio de la música.
€12.34 €7.40

¿Que hay acerca de la nueva espiritualidad?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Searching Issues. Nicky tackles questions around the New Spirituality, as it can be a barrier to faith and one of the most common questions asked on Alpha. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Qué le pasa al mundo?

En este libro el doctor David Jeremiah responde a preguntas difíciles, incluyendo: ¿Cómo se están cumpliendo las profecías en la Europa moderna? ¿Por qué Israel es importante? ¿Qué relación existe entre las reservas de petróleo y el terrorismo islámico? ¿Desempeña Estados Unidos un papel en las profecías? ¿Cómo debemos vivir en los últimos tiempos?
€13.29 €7.97

¿Qué sigue?

El exitoso autor e influyente pastor Chris Hodges ofrece a los cristianos una guía práctica sobre qué hacer para profundizar su fe.
€14.24 €8.54

¿Qué tan alto quiere llegar?

¿Quétan alto quiere llegar?John Maxwell dice que todo depende de su actitud.¿Nariz hacia arriba o nariz hacia abajo ?
€14.24 €8.54

¿Quién aprieta tus botones?

La persona que aprieta sus botones casi siempre es alguien importante para usted: su cónyuge, su padre, su jefe, un miembro de su iglesia. Casi siempre esta persona difícil está relacionada con usted por cuestiones de sangre, amor, fe o dinero y por eso la relación no se puede cortar sin que cause dolor o una gran agitación en su vida.
€13.29 €7.97

¿Sabías que...?

Aprender sobre la Biblia es una de las cosas más importantes que podemos hacer. ¡Y puede ser también divertido y emocionante!¿Sabías que…? ayuda a relacionarse con la Biblia de principio a fin de maneras nuevas e interesantes.
€12.34 €7.40

¿Se acabará el mundo en el 2012?

En ¿Se acabará el mundo en el 2012?, el doctor Raymond Hundley da una evaluación práctica de las diez teorías apocalípticas más preeminentes que han causado la histeria de 2012.
€12.34 €7.40

1 2 3 Activity Pack

New flashcard sets encourage children to enjoy practicing writing the letters of the alphabets, numbers, and first words. The Learn on the Go Flashcard sets are brilliant boxes containing a set of wipe-clean cards for children to practice writing the letters of the alphabet, numbers, and first words.
€7.59 €4.55

1 and 2 Chronicles

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€7.59 €4.55

1 and 2 Corinthians

In the Smart Guide to the Bible: 1and 2 Corinthians, Dewey Bertolini guides you through the Apostle Paul’s words of encouragement, advice on conflict and suffering, and knowledge about spiritual gifts. This user-friendly Bible guide is designed for everyday Bible readers and uses a big-picture and easy-to-understand approach.
€14.24 €8.54

1 and 2 Kings

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€7.59 €4.55

1 and 2 Samuel

Enjoy J. Vernon McGee’s personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. A great choice for pastors, the average Bible reader, and students!
€7.59 €4.55

1 and 2 Thessalonians

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€7.59 €4.55

1 and 2 Thessalonians and Titus

The MacArthur Study Guide Series continues to be one of the best selling study guide series on the market today. These brand-new releases will join the ranks of the previously released and repackaged study guides, offering readers a complete selection of New Testament Bible studies by best-selling author and theologian John MacArthur.
€9.49 €5.69

1 and 2 Timothy / Titus / Philemon

Enjoy J. Vernon McGee’s personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. A great choice for pastors, the average Bible reader, and students!
€7.59 €4.55

1 Corinthians

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€7.59 €4.55

1 Corinthians through Revelation

Enjoy J. Vernon McGee’s personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. A great choice for pastors, the average Bible reader, and students!
€37.99 €22.79

1 John

Enjoy J. Vernon McGee’s personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. A great choice for pastors, the average Bible reader, and students!
€7.59 €4.55

1 Peter

Enjoy J. Vernon McGee’s personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. A great choice for pastors, the average Bible reader, and students!
€7.59 €4.55

1% Better

Chris Nikic, the first person with Down syndrome to every complete an IRONMAN triathlon, inspires others to achieve their goals by getting better 1% at a time.
€18.04 €10.82

1,000 Days

In 1,000 Days Jonathan Falwell presents the unique chance to study this miracle, looking closely at those last three years in Jesus' life and revealing vital information form the gospels for our lives today. Meet Jesus like never before when you take a second to look at what He said in those 1,000 days.
€15.19 €9.11

1,001 MORE Things You Always Wanted to Know About the Bible

Bestselling author and Bible trivia buff, Stephen Lang offers a NEW collection of 1,001 more interesting and important facts about people, places, and events in the Bible.
€26.58 €15.95

1,001 Things You Always Wanted to Know About Angels, Demons, and the Afterlife

A reader-friendly browse book that offers fascinating and concise information on everything from angels and Satan, and heaven and hell, to reincarnation and exorcism.
€27.53 €16.52

1,001 Things You Always Wanted to Know About the Holy Spirit

A wonderful browse book for anyone who is interested in the charismatic movement, this volume offers tidbits of information on notable people, important events, controversies, doctrines, movements, and other matters concerning the work of the Holy Spirit.
€26.58 €15.95

10 Choices

A person's will is what he uses to choose and act. This book helps readers to discover the heights to which their wills, truly surrendered to God, can actually soar and the '10 choices' that can take them there. This impactful book will prompt readers to make 10 Choices that are sure to change their lives forever.
€14.24 €8.54

10 Christians Everyone Should Know

Ten short biographies of Christian lives that still impact our culture and lives today.
€15.19 €9.11

10 Laws of Trust, Expanded Edition

JetBlue Chairman Joel Peterson provides the playbook for establishing and maintaining a culture of trust that breaks down the operational silos and CYA mentality that plague many organizations, in this groundbreaking expanded edition of The 10 Laws of Trust.
€18.99 €11.39

10 Laws of Trust, Expanded Edition

JetBlue Chairman Joel Peterson provides the playbook for establishing and maintaining a culture of trust that breaks down the operational silos and CYA mentality that plague many organizations, in this groundbreaking expanded edition of The 10 Laws of Trust.
€21.84 €13.10

10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times

Tom Ziglar, CEO of Zig Ziglar Corp, shares ten leadership virtues that are essential for coaching employees through immense change and creating an environment of maximum potential and productivity.
€25.64 €15.38

10 Little Penguins

The Kate Toms Series is a fantastic series by Kate Toms that will engage and amuse little ones and adults alike. 10 Little Penguins is a fantastic first counting book for little ones. Each spread follows the penguins as they get up to all sorts of fun and mischief over a busy day.
€7.59 €4.55

10 Little Penguins

€3.77 €2.26

10 Principles for Studying Your Bible

Dr. Stanley provides practical insight into God’s word by walking you through the highlights of his own personal Bible study. He explains, “You don’t have to go through life wondering if the next storm will be the one that washes your life out to sea. God has an answer for your greatest need, but it is only found in the study of His Word.”
€18.04 €10.82

10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know

These ten simple truths can build one big change in your daughter’s life. When Kari Kampakis wrote a blog post in July 2013 titled “10 Truths Young Girls Should Know,” the post went viral and was shared more than 65,000 times on Facebook. Obviously her message strikes a chord with moms and dads across the country.
€15.19 €9.11


€189.90 €113.94


€94.52 €56.72


€37.90 €22.74

100 Animal Words

100 Animal Words introduces new words and concepts!

100 Bible Stories, 100 Bible Songs

100 Bible Stories will soon be hidden in your child's heart and bursting out in song. From Genesis and Revelation to Psalms, Proverbs, and Jesus' parables, children will read their favorite Bible story and sing their favorite Bible song. Bible truths and Life Action Applications will help your child take these Biblical teachings to heart.
€18.99 €11.39

100 Bible Verses That Made America

Robert J. Morgan explores 100 Bible verses that shaped America, unpacking stories from our nation’s past and reminding us of the importance of Scripture to our nation still today.
€18.99 €11.39

100 Bible Verses That Made America

Robert Morgan explores 100 Bible verses that shaped America, unpacking stories from our nation’s past and reminding us of the importance of Scripture to our nation still today.
€28.49 €17.09

100 Days of Adventure

This colorful book of hands-on activities for children will connect and enrich your family through adventures, small and big. In 100 Days of Adventure by Greta Eskridge, kids ages 6 to 10 will learn about nature, art, music, and themselves through outdoor and indoor explorations, experiments, crafts, recipes, and more.
€16.14 €9.68

100 Days of Hope

Focus on the things that bring you hope with 100 Days of Hope. Short inspirational readings, space to record your thoughts, and brief Scripture references in a high-designed four-color gift book will help you find a peaceful, happier life.
€14.24 €8.54

100 Days of Thanks

Focus on the things that bring you joy with 100 Days of Thanks. Short inspirational readings, space to record your thoughts, and brief Scripture references in a high-designed four-color gift book will help you find a peaceful, happier life.
€12.34 €7.40

100 Days of Weight Loss

This personal growth diet companion encourages dieters--no matter what diet plan they are on--to stick to it by giving them the tools to address the issues behind their eating habits and to make the right choices.
€15.19 €9.11

100 Devotions, 100 Bible Songs

Kids can read, sing, and learn while they spend time with God! In 100 Devotions, 100 Bible Songs children can read a devotion, sing a beloved song, and say a prayer all while learning and spending time with God.
€18.99 €11.39

100 Farm Words

100 Farm Words introduces new words and concepts!

100 Favorite Bible Prayers

Discover the life-changing power of prayer as you immerse yourself in the richest prayers of the Old and New Testaments in 100 Favorite Bible Prayers.
€15.19 €9.11

100 Favorite Bible Verses

Often readers don’t know which Bible verses to start with, and this book curates 100 of the best loved verses, adds a short application, and surrounds each scripture with lovely botanical-themed artwork. It is a lovely gift for any home!
€14.24 €8.54

100 Favorite Bible Verses

Often readers don’t know which Bible verses to start with, and this book curates 100 of the best loved verses, adds a short application, and surrounds each scripture with lovely botanical-themed artwork. It is a lovely gift for any home!
€14.24 €8.54

100 Favorite Bible Verses for Children

100 Favorite Bible Verses for Children includes best-loved verses for children and parents to learn together. The verses are in various translations and are paired with fun devotions and prayers. Full of charming animal illustrations, this is an excellent choice for families who want their children to learn God’s Word and apply it in their lives.
€14.24 €8.54

100 Favorite Bible Verses for Mommy and Me

What better way to bless a mother and child than with uplifting, comforting thoughts from God’s Word? This collection offers 100 Bible verses from the International Children’s Bible and New King James Version, each accompanied with a reflective writing.
€12.34 €7.40

100 Favorite Hymns

A beautifully illustrated devotional, 100 Favorite Hymns pairs timeless lyrics with thoughtful reflections to draw us closer to the God who inspires our praise.
€15.19 €9.11

100 First Words

100 First Words introduces new words and concepts!

100 Greatest Songs in Christian Music

Covering nearly 30 years of music history, this entertaining and informative book brims with interesting details about the songs, plus a wealth of fascinating behind-the-scenes stories that bring Christian music, its artists, and lyrics alive to readers
€16.14 €9.68

100 Secret Missions

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€9.49 €5.69

100 Things That Go

100 Things That Go introduces new words and concepts!

100 Ways to Know God Loves Me, 100 Songs to Love Him Back

What better combination than 100 ways for young children to learn how much God loves them and 100 songs they can sing to show how much they love him back?
€18.99 €11.39

1000 Easter Stickers

Adorable Easter themed sticker book packed full of fun springtime sticker activities. 1000 Easter Stickers is a springtime-themed sticker activity book, packed full of fun spring and Easter activities!
€6.64 €3.98

1000 Hootiful Stickers

Adorable owl-themed sticker book, packed full of fun sticker activities!
€6.64 €3.98

1000 Stickers - Animals

1000 Sticker Books are a new series of action-packed sticker activity books that mix photographic images with beautiful illustrations.
€6.64 €3.98

1000 Stickers - Things That Go

1000 Sticker Books are a new series of action-packed sticker activity books that mix photographic images with beautiful illustrations.
€6.64 €3.98

1000 Stickers for Boys

1000 Sticker Books are a new series of action-packed sticker activity books that mix photographic images with beautiful illustrations.
€6.64 €3.98

1000 Stickers for Girls

1000 Sticker Books is a new series of action-packed sticker activity books that mix photographic images with beautiful illustrations.
€6.64 €3.98

1000 Stickers I Love Hearts

Totally cute sticker book packed with cool activities to complete and over 1000 stickers to use in the book or wherever you want! I Love Hearts is a fabulous sticker activity book, packed with cute activities to complete and color. With adorable photographs and illustrations of tasty treats, fashionable clothes and much more, children will feel totally inspired.
€6.64 €3.98

1000 Stickers Sweet Treats

Adorable fall-themed sticker book packed full of fun fall sticker activities!
€6.64 €3.98

1000 Stickers: Christmas

An exciting Christmas sticker bag full of fun, holiday-themed activities to complete!
€6.64 €3.98

1001 Things Every College Student Needs to Know

Whether it's their first year or fourth, college students can always use proven tips on how to make the most of their experience. In 1001 Things Every College Student Needs to Know, Harry H. Harrison Jr.'s latest dose of trademark wit and wisdom provides practical advice that every student and parent will benefit from.
€9.49 €5.69

1001 Things Every Teen Should Know Before They Leave Home

Adult teens think they’re ready to live on their own, but are they? Will they know how to pick a good room mate? Buy a car? Create a budget and actually live on one? From changing the oil to applying for jobs, best-selling author Harry H. Harrison, Jr. has compiled the definitive book for preparing your teen to live on their own. Or else they might come back!
€9.49 €5.69

1001 Things Happy Couples Know About Marriage

Find out what happy couples know that makes their marriages amazing instead of mundane!
€9.49 €5.69

1001 Things it Means to Be a Dad

Harry H. Harrison Jr.'s latest dose of his trademark wit and wisdom pays tribute and provides insight to dads from all walks of life. From new dads, single dads, dads of adult kids and more, 1001 Things it Means to be a Dad is a topic we can all appreciate, especially when there's 'some assembly required!' With two million books in the market, no one knows how to deliver simple, powerful insights like Harry.
€9.49 €5.69

1001 Things it Means to Be a Mom

No matter what phase of motherhood a woman finds herself in, she has one thing in common with all other moms: the need to feel appreciated and encouraged. Harry H. Harrison Jr.'s latest dose of trademark wit and wisdom pays tribute to the many aspects required to be a mom.
€9.49 €5.69

1001 Things Your Kids Should See and Do

When it's time for your kids to leave home, will they be ready to face the world? Will they be able to handle the NYC subway system? Will they have experienced the challenge of a summer career camp? Will they be able to compare civilizations and governments around the world? Will their imaginations have been sparked in a foreign land? Will they know that tamales aren't edible until they take the cornstalk off?
€9.49 €5.69

101 Activities for Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service

From the bestselling Knock Your Socks Off Service series, this valuable tool book includes a plethora of fast and effective activities that teach customer service professionals how to provide world-class service.
€33.20 €19.92

101 First Animals

101 First Animals is a new first learning book for very young children. Each spread is filled with stunning photographs of animals, laid out in a unique way to make learning fun.
€8.54 €5.12

101 First Things That Go

Fantastic new first learning book showing delightful scenes and fun, annotated images of things that go! 101 First Things that Go is a new first learning book for very young children. Each spread is filled with familiar vehicles, laid out in a unique and relatable way to make learning fun rather than hard work!
€8.54 €5.12

101 First Words

Fantastic new first learning word book showing delightful scenes and dun, annotated images from a baby's day. 101 First Words is a new first learning book for very young children. Each spread is filled with familiar people, animals, objects, and scenes from a baby’s life, laid out in a unique and relatable way to make learning fun rather than hard work.
€8.54 €5.12

101 Inspirational Bible Word Searches

A Bible-themed word search book featuring scriptural words hidden in full-page puzzles, Bible verses, and large-print type.
€9.49 €5.69

101 Project Management Problems and How to Solve Them

When projects become derailed, what tools do you have to get them back on track? This comprehensive guide equips project managers with straightforward solutions to the problems you can plan for--and on-the-fly strategies for dealing with the ones you can’t.
€18.95 €11.37

101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems

As a manager, you dread having to deal with employee performance problems. This sanity-saving guide is your answer to making it as painless as possible.
€37.99 €22.79

101 Secrets a Good Dad Knows

Each of the 101 secrets in this wonderful gift book is explained in short descriptions accompanied by a drawing and a fact or tip. Many of these skills involve a simple secret to do them successfully. Knowing these secrets will enable any dad to look like a hero to his children.
€13.29 €7.97

101 Secrets to a Happy Marriage

What can happy couples tell you about having a happy marriage? A lot! Funny, poignant, and wise words of advice from those who have not only endured, but have enjoyed their marriage! It’s no secret that having a healthy, happy marriage doesn’t happen all by itself.
€12.34 €7.40

101 Strategies for Recruiting Success

A critical factor in your organization's success is your ability to hire---and keep---good people. 101 Strategies for Recruiting Success offers practical tips of the trade from a recruiting professional with more than two decades of experience. The book gives you quick, powerful strategies for revitalizing your techniques, and provides sage advice in bite-sized chunks, designed for immediate implementation.
€18.95 €11.37

101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees

This second edition of the bestselling guide by top human resources author Paul Falcone provides guidance for managers, including sample dialogues for how to broach uncomfortable conversations across a wide range of issues.
€23.74 €14.24

101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees

This second edition of the bestselling guide by top human resources author Paul Falcone provides guidance for managers, including sample dialogues for how to broach uncomfortable conversations across a wide range of issues.
€18.00 €10.80

101 Ways to Captivate a Business Audience

Captivating a business audience doesn't come naturally to most business speakers. But they can learn to do it and have fun. This handy little book shares the author's highly successful 'sizzle-steak' method. It features 101 audience-tested anecdotes, experiences, quotes, and insights designed to help every speaker 'turn up the creative heat.'
€16.10 €9.66

110% Prank Star

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€8.54 €5.12

111 Days

A man from humble beginnings and not much of a religious background, Pastor Davis walks us through the ups and downs of being chosen and living the life of a porn addict, and how God and his loving wife and children become the catalyst for his complete deliverance on the road back to freedom.
€7.59 €4.55

12 Days of Christmas

A great title from Kate Toms, combining a well-known nursery rhyme with beautiful, hand-stitched illustrations.
€6.64 €3.98

12 Steps to Power Presence

As a manager, do your people trust you? If you’re not exuding a strong leadership presence, the answer is likely no. Learn how to master this single most important leadership quality through the art of communication.
€9.45 €5.67

12 Steps to Power Presence

As a manager, do your people trust you? If you’re not exuding a strong leadership presence, the answer is likely no. Learn how to master this single most important leadership quality through the art of communication.
€14.20 €8.52

12 Stories of Christmas

Experience the wonderment of Christmas with this endearing collection of original stories. Even though he’s got 3.5 million copies of books in print, Pastor Robert Morgan writes only one short fiction story each year---an original work he shares with his church on Christmas Eve.
€14.24 €8.54

12 Stupid Mistakes People Make with Their Money

Financial advisor Dan Benson exposes the twelve biggest mistakes people make with their money and clearly demonstrates how readers can move from financial insecurity to financial freedom.
€13.29 €7.97


€45.49 €27.29


A fun 123 book with flaps and silicone cover.
€10.44 €6.26

123, Play with Me

Delightful sensory book, perfect for helping little ones to learn numbers.
€9.49 €5.69

13 Things You Gotta Know to Make it as a Christian

'Thirteen weeks can change your life,' says internationally known youth culture specialist Josh McDowell. In this devotional-with-a-difference based on the characters from the PowerLink novel, Under Siege , McDowell and Bob Hostetler reveal 13 ways young people can plug in and stay recharged with God's power for living.
€9.48 €5.69


€53.07 €31.84

17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player

The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player is not feel-good platitudes and abstract thinking, but concrete actions designed to improve the value of every team player.
€18.99 €11.39


€341.83 €205.10


The book narrates how, in a few months, Amalia transforms from a naive girl to a critical teenager and begins to see the country in which she lives from a new perspective.
€14.20 €8.52

1-Minute Gratitude Journal

With unique prompts for each day, the 1-Minute Gratitude Journal helps kids develop a habit of thankfulness, discover the amazing health and attitude benefits of practicing gratitude, and have a lot of fun along the way.
€9.49 €5.69

1st 100 Things That Go

For Ingest Only - Data needs to be cleaned up for all products being loaded
€6.64 €3.98


€18.96 €11.38

2 Corinthians

For Ingest Only - Data needs to be cleaned up for all products being loaded
€7.59 €4.55

2 Peter

For Ingest Only - Data needs to be cleaned up for all products being loaded
€7.59 €4.55

20 Hot Potatoes Christians Are Afraid To Touch

Tony Campolo confronts today's toughest social and moral questions while raising a few of his own.
€12.34 €7.40

20,000 Days and Counting

Most people sleepwalk through day-to-day life, passively letting time slip away. But what if it didn't have to be that way? 20,000 Days presents breathtakingly simple strategies and concepts that, once applied, will enable readers to be 100% present and intentional with every passing minute of every day, for the rest of their lives.
€14.24 €8.54

201 Knockout Answers to Tough Interview Questions

Never get stumped by an interview question again. This indispensable guide shows job seekers how to wow potential employers by answering interview questions in a way that demonstrates the five most sought-after employee competencies.
€13.25 €7.95

21 leyes del liderazgo en la Biblia

El autor best seller John Maxwell se basa en las historias de hombres y mujeres en la Biblia para mostrar cómo modelaron lo que él llama 'las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo'.
€16.14 €9.68


€398.80 €239.28


€318.97 €191.38

24k Life

Digging for the GOLD in God’s Word is a thrill! But living out that GOLD is priceless. This photo-driven collection of Solid Gold Devotions will not only be an encouragement but will also challenge you to deepen your faith as you take a look at daily decisions through the lens of God’s perspective.
€21.84 €13.10

24k Life

Digging for the GOLD in God’s Word is a thrill! But living out that GOLD is priceless. This photo-driven collection of Solid Gold Devotions will not only be an encouragement but will also challenge you to deepen your faith as you take a look at daily decisions through the lens of God’s perspective.
€40.84 €24.50

25 maneras de ganarse a la gente

Si ha leído el éxito de librería de John Maxwell Cómo ganarse a la gente y está listo para tomar pasos concretos que le ayuden a desarrollar lo que ha aprendido, ¡25 maneras de ganarse a la gente es el libro que andaba buscando!
€13.29 €7.97

25 Ways to Win with People

You've read John Maxwell's best-selling Winning with People, and now you're ready for some specific action steps to build on the knowledge you gained. 25 Ways to Win With People has just what you need! This complementary companion to the full-sized book is ideal for a quick refresher course on interpersonal relationships.
€18.99 €11.39

250 A.D.

Luchas, dudas, amenazas. ¿Morir, vivir o sobrevivir? Roma. Persecución. Cristianos. Al escuchar estas 3 palabras, pensamos en los mártires y el Coliseo Romano pero esta no es la historia de aquellos que prefirieron morir antes que negar su fe, sino de muchos otros conocidos como “lapsos”.
€18.04 €10.82

2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews

The handy reference book 2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews puts thousands of ready-to-use words, phrases, descriptions, and action items right at your fingertips. Not just for review time, the book will also be instrumental in creating development plans as well as for monitoring performance year-round.
€17.09 €10.25

2600 Phrases for Setting Effective Performance Goals

The first step to helping your employees succeed? Establishing compelling, actionable performance goals. This quick-reference guide helps managers craft individualized goals that inspire exceptional results.
€17.09 €10.25


€18.96 €11.38

2BeCourageous (Living with a Stranger)

One family’s story of entering the mad world of dementia, following Chet and Heidi’s love story of how they met to the dark world of uncertainty, memory’s lost and becoming strangers to the ones so loved.
€12.34 €7.40

3 Decisiones que toman las personas exitosas

El autor best seller del New York Times, coach y orador, John Maxwell, proporciona perspectiva sobre el significado del verdadero éxito y revela tres claves para obtenerlo.
€14.24 €8.54

3 Things Successful People Do

The path to success is not in front of you--you’re on it already! John C. Maxwell provides insight into what it means to truly be on the journey to success.
€12.34 €7.40


€17.04 €10.23


€17.04 €10.23


€17.04 €10.23


In the million-selling favorite, best-selling author Max Lucado leads readers through a word-by-word study of John 3:16, the passage that he calls the 'Hope Diamond' of Scripture.
€14.24 €8.54


In the million-selling favorite, best-selling author Max Lucado leads readers through a word-by-word study of John 3:16, the passage that he calls the 'Hope Diamond' of Scripture.
€24.69 €14.81


In the million-selling favorite, best-selling author Max Lucado leads readers through a word-by-word study of John 3:16, the passage that he calls the 'Hope Diamond' of Scripture.
€10.44 €6.26


In the million-selling favorite, best-selling author Max Lucado leads readers through a word-by-word study of John 3:16, the passage that he calls the 'Hope Diamond' of Scripture.
€15.19 €9.11


In the million-selling favorite, best-selling author Max Lucado leads readers through a word-by-word study of John 3:16, the passage that he calls the 'Hope Diamond' of Scripture.
€15.19 €9.11


In the million-selling favorite, best-selling author Max Lucado leads readers through a word-by-word study of John 3:16, the passage that he calls the 'Hope Diamond' of Scripture.
€13.29 €7.97

3:16 Evangelio de Juan

Este folleto individual del Evangelio de Juan complementa la campaña 3:16 como una herramienta evangelística sencilla y accesible.
€1.89 €1.13

30 Days to Growing in Your Faith

Utilizing the same format as the bestselling 30 Days to Understanding the Bible, this new resource from pastor Max Anders presents an A-to-Z overview of the essentials for the Christian life, drawing on classic Christian teaching, but avoiding Christian lingo and insider information.
€18.99 €11.39

30 Days to Understanding the Bible

Understand the Bible in 30 Days introduces you to key Bible characters, places, and events in chronological order so that you can 'think your way through' the entire Word of God
€18.04 €10.82

30 Days to Understanding the Bible, 30th Anniversary

This Max Anders classic is now expanded and updated with this 30th Anniversary Edition, helping you grasp the key people, events, and doctrines of the Christian faith and get more out of God’s Word.
€18.99 €11.39

30 Days to Understanding the Christian Life in 15 Minutes a Day!

Every Christian will benefit richly from 30 Days to Understanding the Christian Life by Dr. Max Anders who answers the question, 'What does God expect of Christians?' and explores God's goals and plans for humankind, as well as His general strategies for those who seek to follow Him.
€23.73 €14.24

30 Days To Your Dreams

God made you to dream - and to fulfill those dreams. Clinical psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud offers a new principle or practice each day to help get you closer to becoming the 'you' God created you to be. Packed with the insights enjoyed by thousands of women at Women of Faith’s 2007 God Has a Dream for Your Life Pre-conference event! Begin the journey to making your dreams a reality with 30 Days To Your Dreams. A Women of Faith Exclusive!
€9.49 €5.69

30 días para entender la Biblia

Este clásico de Max Anders ahora se amplía y actualiza en esta edición del 30º aniversario, ayudándote a captar cuáles son las personas, los acontecimientos y las doctrinas de la fe cristiana más importantes, y sacar así más provecho de la Palabra de Dios.
€13.29 €7.97

30 días para entender la Biblia, Edición ampliada de trigésimo aniversario

Este clásico de Max Anders ahora se amplía y actualiza en esta edición del 30º aniversario, ayudándote a captar cuáles son las personas, los acontecimientos y las doctrinas de la fe cristiana más importantes, y sacar así más provecho de la Palabra de Dios.
€16.14 €9.68

31 Days To Happiness

If you thought happiness was only an empty hope, maybe you’ve simply been looking in all the wrong places. In this book Dr. Jeremiah reveals the way to the happiness you have longed for, the never-dimming light of your fondest dreams.
€15.19 €9.11

31 Days to Happiness

If you thought happiness was only an empty hope, maybe you’ve simply been looking in all the wrong places. In this book Dr. Jeremiah reveals the way to the happiness you have longed for, the never-dimming light of your fondest dreams.
€18.99 €11.39

31 horrores que cometen las mujeres y los hombres

La consejera de familia Norma Pantojas revela estrategias para lidiar con los errores más comunes que cometen los hombres y las mujeres.
€14.24 €8.54

365 Bible Answers for Curious Kids

How do I know the Bible is true? What does the Bible mean by “the kingdom of God”? How can God be three persons at the same time? Help the kids in your life find answers to their questions and deepen their faith with 365 Bible Answers for Curious Kids, a unique daily devotional full of biblical answers about God, the Bible, and Christian faith.
€15.19 €9.11


€9.45 €5.67

40 Days of Decrease

40 Days of Decrease guides readers through a study of Jesus’ uncommon and uncomfortable call to abandon the world’s illusions, embrace His kingdom’s reality, and journey cross-ward and beyond.
€16.14 €9.68

40 Days of Jesus Always

Life is full of difficulties. So how can we embrace joy when it often seems out of reach? Readers can spend 40 days with Jesus, exploring the promises of joy found in Scripture--promises of life abundant, life to the fullest, and life brimming with joy!
€2.84 €1.70

40 Days With Jesus

Honor the Easter season for 40 days with our Redeemer. The sanctity of do you approach and honor this holy time of year? Now you can spend 40 days with Jesus---from leading up to His death on Good Friday, to celebrating His resurrection on Easter Sunday---and draw into worship and praise as never before.
€2.84 €1.70

40 Days With Jesus

Honor the Easter season for 40 days with our Redeemer. The sanctity of do you approach and honor this holy time of year? Now you can spend 40 days with Jesus---from leading up to His death on Good Friday, to celebrating His resurrection on Easter Sunday---and draw into worship and praise as never before.
€2.84 €1.70

40 Days with The Word of Promise DVD

40 Days with The Word of Promise is a study that takes a comprehensive and multimedia approach to enable families, churches, and small groups to listen to and study the New Testament together, allowing them to see Jesus as the unifying theme throughout Scripture.
€28.49 €17.09

40 oraciones sencillas que traen paz y descanso

Cuando el caos de nuestras vidas cotidianas se vuelve abrumador, ¿dónde podemos acudir en busca de paz y descanso?
€2.84 €1.70

42 Faith

Jackie Robinson, Branch Rickey, and the hidden hand of God that changed history
€23.74 €14.24

47 Beavers on the Big, Blue Sea

Things go best when we all work together! This light-hearted tale will tickle the funny bone of kids and adults alike as they follow the adventures of 47 beavers stranded in a rowboat in the middle of the ocean. Featuring a fun rhyme and vibrant illustrations, the book builds on the concept of Ecclesiates 4:9-10: Two people are better than one.
€7.59 €4.55

4-in-1 Treasure Box Set

Now from the award-winning God’s Little Princess brand . . . Four Gigi books in one treasure box set. The perfect little library of Gigi books in an easy to carry box. Travels well for overnights or longer trips away from home.
€14.24 €8.54


€33.20 €19.92

5 Cheesy Stories

Meet the MacKenzies. . . . Hidden in a forgotten box of Christmas candy on the third pantry shelf, this tiny mouse family is just like any other. A watchful mom and dad try their best to keep the children from mischief and harm, but as adventurous children do, these little tails sometimes get into trouble. In the end, invaluable lessons are learned when Mom and Dad's wise words carry the young mice safely home.
€15.19 €9.11

5 días para un matrimonio feliz

5 días para un matrimonio feliz va orientado a todos aquellos que buscan la forma de consolidar la familia. Sea la suya o la de otros.
€13.29 €7.97

5 Minute Christmas Stories

With color-mixing acetate windows that children will marvel over! A clever and inventive novelty format that helps teach young children about color. Each page features a different color and theme. Turn the pages to watch the acetate windows combine to make different colors.
€12.34 €7.40

5 Minute Enchanting Tales

An enchanting collection of magical stories.
€12.34 €7.40

5 Minutes with Jesus

Five Minutes with Jesus provides bursts of inspiration for every reader’s relationship with Jesus. It will become clear that, even in the midst of a busy lifestyle, every minute we spend in the powerful presence of Jesus makes a difference in our lives!
€12.34 €7.40

5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Joy

With her signature honesty, vulnerability, and humor, bestselling author Sheila Walsh helps you find joy and perspective in the midst of your fast-paced life. Every entry features a devotion, a guiding takeaway, and Scripture that will nourish and sustain you. These five minutes with Jesus might just become the most meaningful moments of your day.
€12.34 €7.40

5 Minutes with Jesus: Peace for Today

Brief and profound, these daily readings from Sheila Walsh will help busy women draw close to Jesus and walk in His peace throughout the day. It will become clear that even in the midst of a busy lifestyle, every minute we spend in the powerful presence of Jesus makes a difference in our lives!
€9.49 €5.69

5 Minutes With Jesus: Quiet Time for Your Soul

It’s amazing what just five minutes out of a busy day can do. Take these moments for yourself to quiet your mind and connect with Jesus in 5 Minutes with Jesus: Quiet Time for Your Soul.
€12.34 €7.40

5 Spooky Spiders

Touch the fuzzy pom-poms as you count to five together.
€9.49 €5.69

50 Secretos sencillos para vivir feliz

Reglas sencillas para una vida satisfactoria, con propósito, no enfocada en las cosas sin sentido, con fundamentos bíblicos sólidos.
€13.29 €7.97

50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know

A young man's guide to becoming the type of guy that people respect and enjoy.
€17.09 €10.25

50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know Revised and Expanded

A young man's guide to becoming the type of guy that people respect and enjoy.
€18.99 €11.39

50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know

A modern update on the ageless idea that girls should know appropriate and courteous responses to any situation. Good manners aren’t just a quaint and old-fashioned concept. They’re an essential aspect of every young lady’s path to adulthood and the skills she’ll need in whatever she chooses to do.
€23.74 €14.24

50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know

A modern update on the ageless idea that girls should know appropriate and courteous responses to any situation. Good manners aren’t just a quaint and old-fashioned concept. They’re an essential aspect of every young lady’s path to adulthood and the skills she’ll need in whatever she chooses to do.
€17.09 €10.25

52 Bible Words Every Kid Should Know

An engaging introduction to essential Bible terms, 52 Bible Words Every Kid Should Know is a 52-week devotional that equips kids with the knowledge they need to understand God's Word and grow in their faith.
€16.14 €9.68

52 Fantastic Dates for You and Your Mate

52 Fantastic Dates for You and Your Mate is a wonderful tool for those who want to make their marriage come alive with fun, laughter, and good times together. 'Will dating make a difference in your marriage?' ask the authors. 'Our answer is an emphatic 'Yes!''
€12.34 €7.40

52 Little Lessons from A Christmas Carol

These 52 lessons from the beloved novel A Christmas Carol point to timeless values we all share and lead us to wisdom and insights we can apply to our lives at Christmas and all throughout the year.
€16.14 €9.68

52 Little Lessons from A Christmas Carol

These 52 lessons from the beloved novel A Christmas Carol point to timeless values we all share and lead us to wisdom and insights we can apply to our lives at Christmas and all throughout the year.
€16.14 €9.68

52 Little Lessons from It's a Wonderful Life

These 52 lessons from the beloved movie It’s a Wonderful Life point to timeless values we all share and lead us to wisdom and insights we can apply to our lives at Christmas and all throughout the year.
€15.19 €9.11

52 Little Lessons from It's a Wonderful Life

These 52 lessons from the beloved movie It’s a Wonderful Life point to timeless values we all share and lead us to wisdom and insights we can apply to our lives at Christmas and all throughout the year.
€16.14 €9.68

52 Little Lessons from Les Miserables

In 52 Little Lessons from Les Misérables, Bob Welch walks readers through Hugo’s masterpiece, extracting dozens of uniquely spiritual reflections from this enduring portrait of poverty, social injustice, mercy, and redemption.
€16.14 €9.68

52 maneras de cultivar las habilidades naturales de su hijo

52 maneras de cultivar las habilidades naturales de su hijo lo ayudará a descubrir los intereses personales y habilidades y destrezas mentales o físicas de su hijo.
€9.49 €5.69

52 maneras de decir 'te amo'

Exprésale a tu amigo lo mucho que lo aprecias con 52 maneras de decir 'Te amo'.
€9.49 €5.69

52 maneras de enseñarle a su niño acerca de Dios

Para ideas acerca de cómo relacionar las características de Dios, que ocasionalmente son difíciles de entender, con personas y cosas en las experiencias diarias de su niño, ¡he aquí un libro de gran valor!
€9.49 €5.69

52 maneras de estirar su dinero

Prácticas e innovadoras maneras de usar y ahorrar su dinero…
€9.49 €5.69

52 maneras de perder peso

Si usted está cansado de dietas novedosas y la presión de programas intensos de pérdida de peso, pruebe estas 52 surgenencias prácticas y fáciles de implementar para perder peso.
€9.49 €5.69

52 maneras de reducir el estrés en su vida

Aprenda con este libro a reducir, lidiar y limitar los efectos negativos de la pesada carga de estrés.
€9.49 €5.69

52 maneras de tener relaciones sexuales divertidas y fabulosas

Como matrimonios, todos deseamos pasión en nuestras relaciones, pero con el apremio de la profesión, los niños y los compromisos diarios, ¿quién tiene el tiempo o la energía para alcanzarlo?
€9.49 €5.69


€15.18 €9.11


Have you ever wanted to talk directly to God? What do you think He would say to you? Author Jada McClintick tackles these very questions through honest and vulnerable storytelling and a lot of self-deprecating humor. Be prepared to laugh and cry as you relate to situations that all women face.
€10.44 €6.26


Have you ever wanted to talk directly to God? What do you think He would say to you? Author Jada McClintick tackles these very questions through honest and vulnerable storytelling and a lot of self-deprecating humor. Be prepared to laugh and cry as you relate to situations that all women face.
€24.69 €14.81

5-Minute Bible

What a fun way for your little ones to learn 100 of the greatest Bible stories! 5 Minute Bible: 100 Stories and Songs makes an eternal difference as it reinforces God’s amazing love through stories and songs. And the popular 5-minute format is big, colorful, and a great value.
€12.34 €7.40

5-Minute Nighttime Bible Stories

With their to-the-point wording and calming artwork, the 5-Minute Nighttime Bible Stories is a great option for parents who look for ways to integrate the Bible into their busy schedules.
€12.34 €7.40


€39.84 €23.91

66 Love Letters

Though life may not be going according to your plan, God has another one, far better than you can imagine. From Genesis to Revelation, experience His invitation to get you dancing with joy.
€15.19 €9.11

66 Ways God Loves You

God’s Word is many things---instructive, historical, poetic. Yet to Jennifer Rothschild, the Bible is first and foremost a love letter. In 66 Ways God Loves You, she walks readers through each of the 66 books of the Bible and shows, in concise and meaningful ways, how each story is a reflection of God’s love for His people.
€15.19 €9.11

7 Secrets to Writing Your Book

Finish writing your book sooner rather than later following an easy 7-step process that has helped hundreds of authors turn their vision into reality.
€7.59 €4.55

7 Steps to Raising a Bilingual Child

7 Steps to Raising a Bilingual Child helps parents determine and achieve the bilingual goals for their child. Packed with insightful anecdotes and powerful strategies, this is a one-of-a-kind guidebook for those seeking to provide their children with the uniquely valuable experience of learning two languages.
€14.20 €8.52

7 Things to Know About Getting Money for Your Business

This book will arm the reader (Business owner, or aspiring Business owner) with the perspective that most funders have, which will allow the Business principal to better anticipate and position themselves in a way that can increase their chances for receiving funding.
€9.49 €5.69

7 Things to Know About Getting Money for Your Business

This book will arm the reader (Business owner, or aspiring Business owner) with the perspective that most funders have, which will allow the Business principal to better anticipate and position themselves in a way that can increase their chances for receiving funding.
€20.89 €12.53

7 Things You Better Have Nailed Down Before All Hell Breaks Loose

Robert Wolgemuth's provocative 7 Things You Better Have Nailed Down Before All Hell Breaks Loose puts a stake in the ground and says, 'Here's something you can count on, no matter what.' In life you don't rise to the level of your circumstances; you fall to the level of your training. This strong exposition of the foundations of the Christian faith brings a calm, clarity, and confidence to train those who need something certain to claim.
€14.24 €8.54

7 Ways to Be Her Hero

In 7 Ways to Be Her Hero Fields gives, quite candidly, seven very doable actions to transform any marital relationship,guaranteed. It also includes a bonus chapter for guys to read with their wives. So if you want to understand some simple ways to invest in your marriage and be your wife's hero (again), this is the plan!
€15.19 €9.11


€20.86 €12.52

75 Ways for Managers to Hire, Develop, and Keep Great Employees

Your company’s success hinges on hiring, inspiring, and keeping the right people. You can’t afford to not get staffing right!
€20.85 €12.51


€30.32 €18.19


€53.12 €31.87

9 Things a Leader Must Do

Based on his groundbreaking study of the ways that successful individuals think and behave, Dr. Henry Cloud presents a simple yet profound roadmap to help leaders arrive at greater levels of personal growth and corporate influence.
€13.29 €7.97

9 Things You Simply Must Do to Succeed in Love and Life

Years of counseling enabled Dr. Henry Cloud to observe people trying to work out the most important issues of life. If we sincerely want to 'get life right' and quit repeating the same mistakes, 9 Things You Simply Must Do provides the practical guidance we need to live life to its fullest.
€15.19 €9.11


€170.91 €102.55

90 Days with the Savior

90 Days with the Saviour was developed to provide you the inspiration and focus each day over a period of 90 days to remain committed to your sobriety no matter the issue you may be struggling with. Recovery is work, and unless we remain focused on doing the work, it is difficult to succeed. This workbook is just the tool you need to succeed.
€25.64 €15.38

96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire

Learn how best to consistently hire the right people at the right time for the right role.
€18.95 €11.37

96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire

Learn how best to consistently hire the right people at the right time for the right role.
€17.05 €10.23

A Coat of Yellow Paint

Join Naomi Davis, creator of Love Taza, on adventures of marriage, motherhood, and family. By sharing her relatable experiences--in the endearing, intimate style millions appreciate--Naomi shows how to ignore the noise distracting you from living with purpose, to seek out the silver lining and focus on building a life you love.
€25.64 €15.38

A 78 Important Questions Every Leader Should Ask and Answer

Great leaders have many talents, but one critical skill -- often unrecognized -- is the ability to ask and answer questions. This unique book offers 78 questions that leaders at all levels need to ask and answer both inside and outside the organization.
€17.05 €10.23

A B C Activity Pack

New flashcard sets encourage children to enjoy practicing writing the letters of the alphabets, numbers, and first words. The Learn on the Go Flashcard sets are brilliant boxes containing a set of wipe-clean cards for children to practice writing the letters of the alphabet, numbers, and first words.
€7.59 €4.55

A Beautiful Adventure Marriage

Marriage is God’s idea. It’s a good idea and it can be a beautiful adventure. Join Tara Payne and her husband, Alex, as they guide you through practical, and Biblical ways to have the marriage that God created for you.
€11.39 €6.83

A Beautiful Defeat

New York Times bestselling author Kevin Malarkey teaches readers that the surprising key to unlocking their potential and experiencing the sense of peace and purpose they crave is nothing less than total surrender to God.
€16.14 €9.68

A Beautiful Offering

Drawing wisdom from the Beatitudes, A Beautiful Offering is a call for women to live their lives as grateful offerings to the Father.
€15.19 €9.11

A Bend in the Road

Drawing on his insightful sermon series, renowned pastor/teacher David Jeremiah shares the comfort and hope of the Psalms and how these truths can guide believers through life's greatest challenges.
€15.19 €9.11

A Biblical Miscellany

Wow your friends with the most unbelievable, the most outrageous, and the littlest-known facts about the Bible!
€9.49 €5.69

A Billion Reasons Why

There are a billion reasons Kate should marry her current boyfriend. Will she trade them all to be madly in love?
€15.19 €9.11

A Blueprint for Corporate Governance

A Blueprint for Corporate Governance is unique in that it addresses shareholder value from a managerial perspective. This important book covers all essential corporate governance issues from this angle, providing detailed information and insights.
€28.45 €17.07

A Book Called YOU

A biblically grounded Enneagram book that looks at the Enneagram numbers of people in the Bible so readers can discover more about themselves and gain specific wisdom about how and why they are uniquely made.
€18.04 €10.82

A Brave Face

The inspirational story of a woman who moved mountains to provide medical care for an Iraqi girl badly burned during a roadside attack, Barbara Marlowe’s determination to fight for her future daughter highlights the way love can reach across both cultures and continents.
€18.04 €10.82

A Brave Face

The inspirational story of a woman who moved mountains to provide medical care for an Iraqi girl badly burned during a roadside attack, Barbara Marlowe’s determination to fight for her future daughter highlights the way love can reach across both cultures and continents.
€25.64 €15.38

A Bride for All Seasons

It all started with an ad in a mail-order bride catalogue . . . This charming bouquet of novellas introduces you to four Hitching Post Mail-Order Bride Catalogue prospects in the year 1870, all eager for second chances . . . and hungry for happiness. Year in, year out, they’ll learn that love often comes in unexpected packages.
€15.19 €9.11

A Bug Collection DVD Box Set

This is where it all began! The first three DVDs from the best-loved Max Lucado's Hermie and Friends.
€18.99 €11.39

A Business Tale

A Business Tale offers readers the inspiration to make ethical choices even when it isn’t easy or immediately rewarding. The book also contains real-life examples and a 10-step action plan for ethical behavior in the workplace. A Business Tale is an easy-to-read, unforgettable ''spoonful of sugar'' to help companies and individuals digest the sometimes tart lessons of practical morality in the workplace.'
€12.30 €7.38

A Busy Woman's Guide to Prayer

Readers will experience the power of having a vibrant life of prayer and relationship with God and discover the creative ideas to weave prayer into the fabric of their day.
€15.19 €9.11

A Call for Courage

Award-winning Bible teacher, pastor, blogger, and radio host Michael Anthony gives Christians a playbook for speaking boldly and confidently in a world that tells them to remain silent and hidden. Now in trade paper.
€16.14 €9.68

A Call for Courage

Award-winning Bible teacher, pastor, blogger, and radio host Michael Anthony gives Christians a playbook for speaking boldly and confidently in a world that tells them to remain silent and hidden. Now in trade paper.
€23.74 €14.24

A causa de Belén

En este libro, el autor best seller Max Lucado revela porque gracias a Belén, tenemos la promesa de que Dios está cerca de nosotros, siempre por nosotros y siempre con nosotros.
€13.29 €7.97

A causa de Belén Libro para colorear navideño

Este libro interactivo para colorear para adultos proporciona horas de creatividad dedicadas a colorear y meditar en las promesas divinas de Navidad que le dan forma a nuestro corazón. Mucho después que se hayan ido nuestros invitados, y los villancicos hayan cesado, y se hayan apagado las luces, las promesas de la Navidad permanecen.
€12.34 €7.40

A Celebration Of Sex

A Celebration of Sex answers specific, often unasked questions about sexual topics, presents married couples with detailed techniques and behavioral skills for deepening sexual pleasure and intimate companionship, and is an excellent tool for premarital education.
€17.09 €10.25

A Celebration of Sex After 50

A Celebration of Sex After 50 answers specific, often unasked questions about sexual topics, presents detailed techniques and behavioral skills for deepening sexual pleasure and intimate companionship, and addresses other issues facing older couples
€15.19 €9.11

A Celebration of Sex for Newlyweds

A Celebration of Sex for Newlyweds answers specific, often unasked questions about sexual topics, and presents newly-married couples with detailed techniques and behavioral skills for learning sexual pleasure and intimate companionship.
€9.49 €5.69

A Century Turns

William J. Bennett explores America's recent and momentous history?the contentious election of 1988, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of global Communism, the presidency of William Jefferson Clinton, the technological and commercial boom of the 1990s, the war on terror, and the election of America's first black president.
€23.74 €14.24

A Chance In the World

A Chance in the World is the unbelievably true story of a wounded and broken boy destined to become a man of resilience, determination, and vision. Through it all, Steve’s story teaches us that no matter how broken our past, no matter how great our misfortunes, we have it in us to create a new beginning and to build a place where love awaits.
€18.04 €10.82

A Chance in the World

A Chance in the World is the unbelievably true story of a wounded and broken boy destined to become a man of resilience, determination, and vision. Through it all, Steve’s story teaches us that no matter how broken our past, no matter how great our misfortunes, we have it in us to create a new beginning and to build a place where love awaits.
€23.74 €14.24

A Chance in the World (Young Readers Edition)

An inspiring, suspenseful memoir for kids and tweens, A Chance in the World (Young Readers Edition) is the astonishing true story of Steve Pemberton, a discarded boy who, while uncovering the secrets of his past, discovers his own inner strength, the power of kindness, and the freedom to build a better future for himself and others.
€15.19 €9.11

A Change of Affection

The powerful, dramatic story of how a successful Hollywood set designer whose identity was deeply rooted in his homosexuality came to be suddenly and utterly transformed by the power of the gospel.
€17.09 €10.25

A Charmed Life

New York’s social darling just woke up in a nightmare: Oklahoma. Problem is, it’s right where God wants her. This collection of young adult romance includes So Not Happening, I'm So Sure, and So Over My Head.
€12.34 €7.40

A Christmas Prayer

Snuggle in this holiday season and offer up A Christmas Prayer. In the tradition of A Night Night Prayer, this precious little child wanders through the house on a snowy Christmas night offering a prayer of thanks and blessing. The child finishes with thanks to God for the greatest Gift of all.
€9.49 €5.69

A Class with Drucker

In this invaluable book, author William Cohen offers unique, firsthand insights gained under the tutelage of the world’s greatest thinker and writer on management to share the expert-level secrets of visionary leaders.
€17.05 €10.23

A Classic Christmas

During the hectic Christmas season, slow down with these heartwarming stories from some of literature’s most beloved writers.
€17.09 €10.25

A Conspiracy of Ravens

Lady Trent's sleuthing skills are put to the test in a Victorian mystery about mischief, murder, and a lost heir.
€14.24 €8.54

A Cowboy's Touch

Abigail is just in Moose Creek, Montana for the summer to temporarily care for her great aunt. But a tender-hearted cowboy beckons her to stay.
€7.59 €4.55

A Cowboy's Touch

Abigail is just in Moose Creek, Montana for the summer to temporarily care for her great aunt. But a tender-hearted cowboy beckons her to stay.
€15.19 €9.11

A Cry from the Dust

In the shadow of the Mormon church, a 19th-century conspiracy is about to be shattered by a 21st-century forensic artist.
€15.19 €9.11


Nelson Books custom product---not for general distribution
€28.49 €17.09

A Dangerous Faith

Christianity is a dangerous faith. We must avoid becoming a culture of Christians in name alone so we can bear fruit and reflect Christ in our daily lives. A Dangerous Faith explores common struggles a Christian may encounter in their ongoing walk with Christ, and how to overcome them Biblically.
€10.44 €6.26

A Daughter of Zion

The Zion Chronicles series covers the events surrounding Israel's statehood in 1948. Each book vividly portrays the intense struggle of the Jewish people in the aftermath of the Holocaust and the forces, within and without, which engulf the Middle East in conflict and controversy even today.
€9.49 €5.69

A Day or Forever, I’ll Love You The Same

A koala’s journey through foster care as told by his foster parents on his first night in a new home. Even though he is filled with questions and worry, his foster parents remind him over and over of their promise to love him through it all.
€12.34 €7.40

A Day or Forever, I’ll Love You The Same

A koala’s journey through foster care as told by his foster parents on his first night in a new home. Even though he is filled with questions and worry, his foster parents remind him over and over of their promise to love him through it all.
€26.59 €15.95

A Daybook of Prayer

Readers are challenged with the simple but profound question: What would happen-how would your life be different-if you committed the next year to learning about prayer and devoting time to prayer every single day? A Daybook on Prayer weaves together poignant meditations from classic and contemporary Christian writers with powerful Bible verses, directed prayers, and personal prayer-starters, to create a life-changing resource for those who want to draw closer to the heart of God.
€19.94 €11.96

A Deadly Business

A prosecutor of violent criminals. A detective on a dangerous beat. When these two pros take on an off-the-books case, the line between professional and personal becomes perilously blurred.
€16.14 €9.68

A Deadly Business

A prosecutor of violent criminals. A detective on a dangerous beat. When these two pros take on an off-the-books case, the line between professional and personal becomes perilously blurred.
€7.59 €4.55

A Deadly Business

A prosecutor of violent criminals. A detective on a dangerous beat. When these two pros take on an off-the-books case, the line between professional and personal becomes perilously blurred.
€25.64 €15.38

A Doodle A Day

Satisfy children’s creativity with A Doodle a Day! This innovative new book provides children with the perfect space to doodle away every day! With 366 cute, funny, weird, and wonderful doodling activities to complete, children will be kept entertained for hours – every day of the year!
€9.49 €5.69

A Dream of Miracles

Amish widow Mattie vows never to love again . . . until a suspicious outsider with a shadowy past comes crashing into her fragile world.
€15.19 €9.11

A Dream of Miracles

Amish widow Mattie vows never to love again . . . until a suspicious outsider with a shadowy past comes crashing into her fragile world.
€7.59 €4.55

A Dream Too Big

The astounding, against-all-odds story of a young man's rise from abject poverty in gang-ridden Los Angeles to the pinnacle of academic achievement as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford.
€18.04 €10.82

A Dream Too Big

The astounding, against-all-odds story of a young man's rise from abject poverty in gang-ridden Los Angeles to the pinnacle of academic achievement as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford.
€25.64 €15.38

A Faith of Her Own

Can Anna Mae heed God’s call on her life, even if it means leaving behind everything she knows . . . and everyone she loves?
€15.19 €9.11

A Father God Blesses

Scripture passages designed to encourage every father. God’s Word offers help and blessings for every situation in life. In A Father God Blesses, dads will be uplifted by Scripture selections that speak to fathers of all ages and circumstances.
€2.84 €1.70

A Father God Blesses

Scripture passages designed to encourage every father. God’s Word offers help and blessings for every situation in life. In A Father God Blesses, dads will be uplifted by Scripture selections that speak to fathers of all ages and circumstances.
€9.49 €5.69

A Father's Legacy

This father's journal takes you on a journey that will become a family memoir. Designed in a 12-month format, each month features 12 questions with space to write personal answers. Questions explore family history, childhood memories, and spiritual adventures encountered in a lifetime of living. His written words become windows to a father's heart.
€14.24 €8.54

A Father's Prayer

Prayers paired with meaningful scripture passages designed to encourage every father. When a father combines prayer with God’s Word, he is able to handle any situation in life with integrity and discernment.
€2.84 €1.70

A Father's Prayer Journal

A Father’s Prayer Journal offers a meaningful collection of prayers and reflections to draw fathers--and soon-to-be fathers--closer to God so they can effectively nurture their children’s spiritual development. It provides a practical resource for capturing personal thoughts and devotions.
€7.59 €4.55

A Friend Planting Seeds Is a Friend Indeed

On the Farm animals teach the importance of working together and being a true friend! It’s planting season, and Farmer Bob gives Hercules, Sam, Jenny, and Brandon instructions on how to plant a field. Chaos ensues as each character hilariously fails to do what Farmer Bob has asked.
€7.59 €4.55

A Fruitcake Christmas

Kids love getting gifts at Christmas time, but giving to those less fortunate brings the spirit of Christmas alive! Food is scarce in the garden around Christmas and two roaches won’t share the piles of nuts and berries they have saved. But when Hailey and Bailey invite them to the bugs’ fruitcake party, they are inspired to share!
€9.49 €5.69

A Gentle Answer

A remarkable vision for how Christians can live with countercultural gentleness in a perpetually angry, attacking, outraged time.
€18.04 €10.82

A Gentle Thunder

God does what it takes to get our attention. How far do you want him to go to get yours? What if God moved you to another land? (As He did Abraham.) What if He called you out of retirement? (Remember Moses?) These stories of the relentless pursuit of God assure us of his strength and remind us of his kindness.
€15.19 €9.11

A Gentleman Abroad

A Gentleman Abroad provides helpful information for any man traveling to the 40 most popular foreign travel destinations.
€14.24 €8.54

A Gentleman Entertains Revised and Expanded

Everything you need to know for any occasion - dinner parties to tailgate potlucks.
€16.14 €9.68

A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up Revised and Expanded

A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up is not a book about style---it is a book about the rules---rules that will allow any man to feel more comfortable in the choices he makes about what he wears.
€16.14 €9.68

A Gentleman Walks Down the Aisle

This guide will shape even the most baffled groom into a well-mannered gentleman, from engagement party to reception and every blessed event in between.
€16.14 €9.68

A Gift of Love

Written in a warm, daily devotional format, A Gift of Love will cause the height and depth of God's love to shine in your heart.
€14.24 €8.54

A Girl and Her Money

A hands-on guide for women who want to take charge of their finances, multiply their wealth, and feel better about spending money!
€13.29 €7.97

A Girl’s Guide to the Outback

Romance author Jessica Kate explores the hilariously thin line between love and hate in her heartwarming new novel.
€15.19 €9.11

A Girl's Best Friend

Three friends. One spa. And an infinite amount of oversharing!
€15.19 €9.11

A Girl's Guide to Life

A Girl's Guide to Life offers girls a fun, healthy approach to facing their adolescent years. This complete resource helps teenage girls deal with all the traumas, dramas, and triumphs in their lives. The book is divided into Body, Mind, and Soul sections to address the relevant issues in each area of a young woman’s life.
€14.24 €8.54

A God Who Comes Near

This book is written to reawaken awareness of both the beauty of the psalms and their ability to speak with relevance to our contemporary culture--a generation in danger of losing the psalmist’s voice.
€42.74 €25.64

A God Who Comes Near

This book is written to reawaken awareness of both the beauty of the psalms and their ability to speak with relevance to our contemporary culture--a generation in danger of losing the psalmist’s voice.
€56.99 €34.19

A God's Little Princess DVD Treasury Box Set

A collection of four Gigi, God's Little Princess videos now in a DVD box set! Meet Gigi, God's Little Princess! This double DVD box set spans the first four storybooks: Gigi, God's Little Princess , The Royal Tea Party, The Pink Ballerina , and The Purple Ponies . Bonus features include author Sheila Wlash reading the stories and Learn-to-Draw segments.
€18.99 €11.39

A God's Little Princess Treasury

A collection of four full-length, original Gigi, God's Little Princess picture books now in one volume!
€18.99 €11.39

A Grain of Wheat

This is the story of how a brilliant but disillusioned man moves from a self-absorbed childhood and adolescence to a dramatic awakening to a life of love and duty that draws him out of himself and plunges him into the world of pure science as his way of serving God and neighbour.
€22.79 €13.67

A Grain of Wheat

This is the story of how a brilliant but disillusioned man moves from a self-absorbed childhood and adolescence to a dramatic awakening to a life of love and duty that draws him out of himself and plunges him into the world of pure science as his way of serving God and neighbour.
€37.04 €22.22

A Grandparent's Legacy

This grandparent’s journal takes you on a journey that will become a family memoir. Designed in a 12-month format, each month features 12 questions with space to write personal answers. Questions explore family history, childhood memories, and the dreams encountered in a lifetime of living. The written words become windows to a grandparent’s heart.
€12.34 €7.40

A Guide to Christian Ambition

A Guide to Christian Ambition, previously titled In, But Not Of, provides readers with valuable insights, wisdom, personal experiences, and advice on how to rise in the world and achieve the kind of radical success that honors God.
€13.29 €7.97

A Guide to Software Package Evaluation and Selection

Finding the right software for a company is downright scary! Whether it's for inventory, e-commerce, accounting, e-mail, or whatever else the company needs, a poor software decision has negative ripple effects that can undermine business for years to come (and damage reputations as well). This pragmatic book is for anyone charged with evaluating and choosing an application.
€33.20 €19.92

A Guide to Spiritual Success

Many Christians don't experience purpose, victory, or overcoming in their lives. Instead there is emptiness and defeat. Tony Evans, in a down-to-earth, amusing-yet thoughtful-style that each of us has to gain-or regain the momentum necessary to sustain a lifelong drive toward triumphant spirituality.
€16.13 €9.68

A Guidebook to Waking the Dead

In this interactive companion to Waking the Dead, John Eldredge helps readers understand the three eternal truths and the four streams that enable us to interpret the deep meaning and hidden glory of our lives.
€17.09 €10.25

A Guy's Guide to Life

A Guy's Guide to Life: How to Become a Man in 224 Pages or Less is a teenage guy’s handbook to becoming a man with a healthy mind, body, and soul. What does society want of teen guys? To be independent, tough, and macho? To be a sensitive, caring metrosexual? To excel in school and sports and business?
€14.24 €8.54

A Hand to Hold

Ruth Byler has never failed at anything in her life, but Zach Bender is going to test the limits of her heart.
€7.59 €4.55

A Hand to Hold

Ruth Byler has never failed at anything in her life, but Zach Bender is going to test the limits of her heart.
€15.19 €9.11

A Harvest of Thorns

A beloved American corporation with an explosive secret. A disgraced former journalist looking for redemption. A corporate executive with nothing left to lose.
€23.74 €14.24

A Harvest of Thorns

A beloved American corporation with an explosive secret. A disgraced former journalist looking for redemption. A corporate executive with nothing left to lose.
€16.14 €9.68

A Heart Ablaze

Best-selling author and evangelist John Bevere helps Christians learn how to turn from being worshippers of the culture to true worshippers of the living Christ, becoming conformed to His image.
€14.24 €8.54

A Heart Like Jesus

Based on the bestseller Just Like Jesus, this impact-sized book opens the heart and mind to the Savior.
€9.49 €5.69

A Heart’s Betrayal

Emmie finds shelter in the arms of a soldier, but her secret could drive them apart.
€6.64 €3.98

A Heart's Danger

On the brink of war with the Sioux, Sarah risks everything to expose the betrayal threatening the man she loves.
€6.64 €3.98

A Heart's Disguise

In the celebratory mood of the recently-ended Civil War, Sarah discovers her betrothed has been keeping a devastating secret.
€6.64 €3.98

A Heart's Home

Emmie’s hope for a life with Isaac is overshadowed by a tragic loss at Fort Phil Kearny.
€6.64 €3.98

A Heart's Obsession

Will Sarah’s journey west lead her back into the arms of the one man she can trust?
€6.64 €3.98

A Heart's Promise

Emmie makes a promise to her friend that, if fulfilled, could mean the end to her dreams of a future with Isaac.
€6.64 €3.98

A Hero's Throne

“Knights of Ennor---the time has come to awake. Rise up to fulfill your secret oath and sacred duty.”
€15.19 €9.11

A Higher Calling

If interested in how one’s faith plays out in the delicate balance between religion and politics, this is a must read - a personal journey that led to a higher calling, guided by faith and associated with others who put the common good above self-interest serving as an anchor for the next generation.
€18.99 €11.39

A Higher Calling

If interested in how one’s faith plays out in the delicate balance between religion and politics, this is a must read - a personal journey that led to a higher calling, guided by faith and associated with others who put the common good above self-interest serving as an anchor for the next generation.
€38.94 €23.36

A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War

The untold story of how the First World War shaped the lives, faith, and writings of J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. Giving an unabashedly Christian vision of hope in a world tortured by doubt and disillusionment, the two writers created works that changed the course of literature and shaped the faith of millions---now in paperback.
€23.74 €14.24

A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War

The untold story of how the First World War shaped the lives, faith, and writings of J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. Giving an unabashedly Christian vision of hope in a world tortured by doubt and disillusionment, the two writers created works that changed the course of literature and shaped the faith of millions---now in paperback.
€18.04 €10.82

A Hole Lot of Fun

A Hole Lot of Fun is an innovative activity and coloring book for budding artists.
€9.49 €5.69

A House Divided

Corbin Gage can stand up to anyone . . . But his own divided house will bring him to his knees.
€15.19 €9.11

A Hundred Years of Happiness

A beautiful young woman. An American soldier. A war-torn country. Nearly forty years of silence. Now, two daughters search for the truth they hope will set them free and the elusive peace their parents have never found.
€15.19 €9.11

A Jane Austen Devotional

A beautiful devotional, brimming with the wit and wisdom of Jane Austen and the timeless truths of Scripture. The works of Jane Austen can transport a reader to a world that exudes beauty, peace, wisdom, wit, and love. Captivating audiences for 200 years, the works of Jane Austen continue to capture today’s readers in droves.
€15.19 €9.11

A Lady at Willowgrove Hall

Her secret cloaks her in isolation and loneliness. His secret traps him in a life that is not his own.
€15.19 €9.11

A Lady Like Sarah

She’s an outlaw. He’s a preacher. Both are in need of a miracle.
€7.59 €4.55

A Lady Like Sarah

She’s an outlaw. He’s a preacher. Both are in need of a miracle.
€15.19 €9.11

A Leader's Heart

Leaders need encouragement too, and who better to send it than the leader of leaders! Applauded as one of the world's most popular leadership experts, John Maxwell brings many of his winning concepts and scriptural meditations into a daily devotional/journal format, designed specifically for leaders.
€18.99 €11.39

A Life Beyond Amazing

There is a way to experience a better life. Are you ready to become the person God has called you to be?
€18.04 €10.82

A Life Beyond Amazing

There is a way to experience a better life. Are you ready to become the person God has called you to be?
€23.74 €14.24

A Life Beyond Amazing

There is a way to experience a better life. Are you ready to become the person God has called you to be?
€15.19 €9.11

A Life of Prayer

Paul Cedar explores prayer through three primary concepts, showing us how to consider, cultivate and continue a lifestyle of prayer.
€28.49 €17.09

A Light in Zion

The Zion Chronicles series covers the events surrounding Israel's statehood in 1948. Each book vividly portrays the intense struggle of the Jewish people in the aftermath of the Holocaust and the forces, within and without, which engulf the Middle East in conflict and controversy even today.
€9.49 €5.69

A Love Made New

Abigail Schrock knows God can make all things new, but does that include her broken heart?
€15.19 €9.11

A Love Worth Giving

God loves each of us. Personally. Powerfully. Passionately. And it’s a love worth giving. But before we can pass love on, we must receive it ourselves. Building on the principles found in 1 Corinthians 13, known as the love passage, best-selling author Max Lucado helps us dive into the depth and perfection of God’s love.
€15.19 €9.11

A Love Worth Giving

God loves each of us. Personally. Powerfully. Passionately. And it’s a love worth giving. But before we can pass love on, we must receive it ourselves. Building on the principles found in 1 Corinthians 13, known as the love passage, best-selling author Max Lucado helps us dive into the depth and perfection of God’s love.
€14.24 €8.54

A Love Worth Giving To You at Christmas

Reminding us of the most priceless gift of all A Love Worth Giving to You includes 'The Christmas Cookie Story', the message of salvation and Max's insight into drinking fully of the love of God.
€2.84 €1.70

A mamá le va de maravilla... y al hogar también

Encuentre gozo, vuelva a descubrir la fortaleza, dése el gusto de darse cuenta de que usted es una persona amada.Una madre sana espiritual, física y emocionalmente conllevará a un hogar sano.
€9.49 €5.69

A Man After God's Heart

Build a collecton of true life stories with classic and contemporary poems, add simple wisdom and reflections from God's Word with inspirational quotes and just a touch of humor, then present in a handsome two-color interior design, and what you have is this great gift book for dads, A Man After God's Heart. The material is divided into six sections, including 'A Look Back at My Own Father' and 'Knowing When It's Time to Let Your Child Go,' covering the various seasons of fatherhood.
€12.34 €7.40

A Man Called Blessed

One man holds the key to locating the Ark of the Covenant---but he’s hidden deep in the desert and no one has seen him since he was a boy.
€16.14 €9.68

A Man Called Daddy

A Man Called Daddy is an entertaining look at fatherhood, written with the same charm and down-to-earth spirit as books by Erma Bombeck.
€14.24 €8.54

A Man of Faith

David Aikman, skilled journalist and former senior correspondent for TIME magazine, pens this dramatic and gripping account of Bush's journey to faith.
€14.24 €8.54

A Man of His Word

Moriah's heart will only be safe with a man of his word.
€7.59 €4.55

A Man of His Word

Moriah's heart will only be safe with a man of his word.
€15.19 €9.11

A Man of His Word

Moriah's heart will only be safe with a man of his word.
€7.59 €4.55

A Manager's Guide to Coaching

Brian Emerson and Ann Loehr have spent years showing top companies how to develop their most promising employees. In Manager’s Guide to Coaching, they guide managers through every step of the coaching process, from problem solving to developing accountability. This invaluable tool will help all leaders coach employees and themselves to excellence.
€16.10 €9.66

A Manager's Guide to Improving Workplace Performance

A Manager’s Guide to Improving Workplace Performanc e offers a practical, step-by-step approach to guiding employees to excellence by analyzing their problem areas, developing creative solutions, and implementing change.
€18.95 €11.37

A Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams

Managers are struggling to help their increasingly remote teams work together smoothly and productively. Discover the Trust Wheel model that enables effective leadership across logistical, cultural, and communication gaps to ensure your team reaches its full potential.
€20.85 €12.51

A Marriage of the Heart

Three Stories That Share the Adventures of First Love and Second Chances - A Perfect Secret, Christmas Cradles, and A Marriage of the Heart.
€15.19 €9.11

A Matter of Trust

When life is murder, who can you trust?
€7.59 €4.55

A Matter of Trust

When life is murder, who can you trust?
€25.64 €15.38

A Matter of Trust

When life is murder, who can you trust?
€16.14 €9.68

A Max Lucado Children's Treasury

Three classic Max Lucado children's stories come to life together on DVD!
€18.99 €11.39

A Max Lucado Children's Treasury

Three classic Max Lucado children's stories come to life together on DVD!
€18.99 €11.39

A Memory a Day for Moms

Just one simple thought a day to preserve five years of memories with your children---finally, a record book that is doable! A Memory a Day for Moms, a beautiful five-year journal with carefully curated questions and writing prompts, offers you just that. Jot down a single thought, memory, or prayer, and build a treasured keepsake day by day.
€16.14 €9.68

A Mile Wide

An irresistible call for readers to think bigger and go deeper into faith from TV personality Brandon Hatmaker. Now in trade paper.
€21.84 €13.10

A Mile Wide

An irresistible call for readers to think bigger and go deeper into faith from TV personality Brandon Hatmaker. Now in trade paper.
€16.14 €9.68

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

Full of beautiful, heart-wrenching, and hilarious stories, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years details one man's opportunity to edit his life as if he were a character in a movie.
€18.99 €11.39

A Mind for Sales

For salespeople tired of feeling stressed out, burned out, and bummed out that their customers don’t want to hear from them, A Mind for Sales is the guide they need to develop a success mindset and the habits required to breakthrough to a whole new level of sales performance.
€26.59 €15.95

A Mind for Sales

For salespeople tired of feeling stressed out, burned out, and bummed out that their customers don’t want to hear from them, A Mind for Sales is the guide they need to develop a success mindset and the habits required to breakthrough to a whole new level of sales performance.
€18.99 €11.39

A Miracle of Hope

She’s heard about forgiveness all her life, but how far does God’s mercy truly reach?
€15.19 €9.11

A Miracle of Hope

She’s heard about forgiveness all her life, but how far does God’s mercy truly reach?
€7.59 €4.55

A Model for a Better Future

Supermodel, spokeswoman, athlete, and mom Kim Alexis shares her story and the convictions she's developed.
€14.23 €8.54

A More Beautiful Life

A More Beautiful Life walks readers through setting HEART Goals---a proven framework that starts with helping you better understand yourself not by tracking and measuring everything to death but by meeting you right where you are.
€21.84 €13.10

A Mother's Legacy

This pictorial memory album of mothers and daughters looks at a mother's legacy, a mother's teaching, and a mother's love and devotion. Stories from many mothers and daughters, some well-known, show how family values and traditions are passed from one generation to another. Beautifully illustrated.A Mother's Legacy also includes a presentation page for gift giving and includes space for personal reflections. A perfect gift for Mother's Day, baby showers, birthdays or Christmas.
€12.34 €7.40

A Mother's Legacy

This pictorial memory album of mothers and daughters looks at a mother's legacy, a mother's teaching, and a mother's love and devotion. Stories from many mothers and daughters, some well-known, show how family values and traditions are passed from one generation to another. Beautifully illustrated.A Mother's Legacy also includes a presentation page for gift giving and includes space for personal reflections. A perfect gift for Mother's Day, baby showers, birthdays or Christmas.
€14.24 €8.54

A New Creature

A father prepares to tuck in his son and asks if Jesus lives in his heart. The boy says no and asks his dad to tell him about Jesus. The father tells his son about Christ and he accepts Him into his heart. The boy goes on a journey to discover just how Jesus has changed him into a new creature.
€14.24 €8.54

A New Kind of Normal

After her only son was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole, Carol's life took a permanent detour. Through the eight chapters in this book, Carol will use their own story, the story of Mary mother of Jesus, and stories of women who have experienced their own 'new normal' to share how God has led them to choose life, gratitude, vulnerability, involvement, forgiveness, trust, and action.
€15.19 €9.11

A Night Night Prayer

A bestselling classic---now in paperback at a new low price! As toddlers settle in for bedtime, they will love repeating the sweet rhyming text and saying “night night” to lots of blessings, including puppies, kitties, Mommy and Daddy, and most of all to God!
€3.79 €2.27

A Night Night Prayer

A bestselling classic---now in paperback at a new low price! As toddlers settle in for bedtime, they will love repeating the sweet rhyming text and saying “night night” to lots of blessings, including puppies, kitties, Mommy and Daddy, and most of all to God!
€9.49 €5.69

A Path Toward Love

Katherine came home to forget her past. The last thing she expected was to find her future.
€15.19 €9.11

A Perfect Love

Despite the blustery winter chill, love is in the air in Heavenly Daze.
€15.19 €9.11

A Personal Guide to Walking with God

Now in A Personal Guide to Walking with God, you can get started in your personal journey to making God a part of every moment of your day. Complete with discussion questions and personal journaling space, John and Craig will lead you deeper into communion with God.
€17.09 €10.25

A Pilgrim Looks at 60

If you’ve been wondering how to share a Christian worldview in an appealing, accessible way, check out A Pilgrim Looks at 60. This natural storyteller and Christian late-bloomer provides a fresh perspective on answers to the universal questions of existence sooner or later most of us ask.
€16.14 €9.68

A Pilgrim Looks at 60

If you’ve been wondering how to share a Christian worldview in an appealing, accessible way, check out A Pilgrim Looks at 60. This natural storyteller and Christian late-bloomer provides a fresh perspective on answers to the universal questions of existence sooner or later most of us ask.
€30.39 €18.23

A Place Called Blessing

The life-changing message of the relational classic, The Blessing---now in compelling story form. Complete with a reader’s guide to help you identify and apply the five elements of the biblical blessing to your own life and relationships.
€15.19 €9.11

A Place Called Home

Beloved Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe takes a fresh look at the basics of Christianity for new and mature believers, in this primer that helps build faith, teaches the ways of the Father, and points Christians toward maturity.
€12.33 €7.40

A Plant-Based Life

Do you wish to live a healthier, more energized, and more exuberant life? Think whole foods for a whole new you!
€16.10 €9.66

A Poop-Powered Christmas

A funny Christmas picture book, all about the power of poop!
€15.19 €9.11

A Poop-Powered Christmas

A funny Christmas picture book, all about the power of poop!
€6.64 €3.98

A Portrait of Emily Price

Art restorer Emily Price has never encountered anything she can’t fix---until she meets Ben, an Italian chef, who seems just right. When Emily follows Ben home to Italy, she learns that his family, however, is another matter . . .
€15.19 €9.11

A Positive Plan for Creating More Calm, Less Stress

Practical steps for creating a peaceful haven in the midst of a frenzied environment.
€12.34 €7.40

A Positive Plan for Creating More Fun, Less Whining

Filled with great ideas and encouragement to have fun and enjoy life together as a family, this practical resource helps moms reduce whining and create memories to last a lifetime.
€12.34 €7.40

A Prairie Devotional

In A Prairie Devotional, former child actress Wendi Lou Lee, who played Grace Ingalls on the TV show, is an ideal source of unique stories and spiritual insights that give readers a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the hearts and souls of the series’ beloved characters.
€16.14 €9.68

A Prisoner of Versailles

Lavish and Luxurious Versailles - King Louis XIV's burgeoning palace is the place to be - and be seen.
€15.19 €9.11

A Promise Kept

God was going to save her marriage, Allison was sure of it. But neither her husband nor her marriage had been saved. What had become of His promise?
€15.19 €9.11

A Pumpkin Prayer

Little ones will delight in the wonders of this special time of year and learn to be thankful to God for His blessings. Colorful pumpkins, crunching leaves, crisp breezes---celebrate the abundance of the harvest season through charming illustrations and sweet rhymes that are perfect for young hearts. Families will want to look for other titles in the new Time to Pray series including An 'I Love You' Prayer .
€8.54 €5.12

A Ready Defense

Timely and biblically based, Josh McDowell's work offers defenses in 60 of the most-challenged areas of faith. All in one easy-to-reference volume, this book will strengthen your commitment and help you stand firm against challenges to the truth.
€18.99 €11.39

A Reasonable Faith

Best-selling author and popular speaker Tony Campolo writes to communicate the faith in understandable terms to secular people steeped in contemporary ideas about the nature of things, and to clarify for Christian readers how our beliefs intersect conclusively with modern concerns. He does that with both clarity and wit.
€12.34 €7.40

A Reluctant Bride

She never wanted to marry. He hopes to make amends for past wrongs. Can love find a way to heal both of their hearts?
€15.19 €9.11

A Reluctant Queen

You've read it as a biblical tale of courage. Experience it anew as a heart-stirring love story: The Love Story of Esther
€15.19 €9.11

A Resilient Life

Best-selling author Gordon MacDonald links resilience to a more productive and vibrant life, then shows readers how to develop it.
€15.19 €9.11

A Respectable Actress

When India Hartley is accused of murder, she must uncover the deceptions of others to save herself.
€15.19 €9.11

A Royal Christmas Wedding

Now available in mass market, this charming Christmas story about true love from bestselling author Rachel Hauck is perfect for gift-giving.
€7.59 €4.55

A Royal Christmas Wedding

Now available in mass market, this charming Christmas story about true love from bestselling author Rachel Hauck is perfect for gift-giving.
€12.34 €7.40

A Rush to Injustice

In this landmark book, Baydoun gives the behind-the-scenes account of the Duke lacrosse rape case from primary sources, and sheds light on the real victims in a case that gripped the nation.
€14.24 €8.54

A Safe Place for Dangerous Truths

Sadly, organizations cannot succeed in this poisonous world of half-truths, strategic omissions, and doctored information. To function optimally, businesses must create an environment where people feel free to tell the truth, no matter how disturbing. This illuminating guide gets people to tell the truth at the meeting--not in the bathroom afterwards. Almost everybody does it--lie, that is. This unique book shows how, using the formal process of 'dialogue,' such a place can be built.
€18.95 €11.37

A Saint a Day

Inspiring a child's faith with true stories of heroism and faithfully following God, A Saint a Day is an engaging daily devotional for kids ages 8 to 12 that shares some of the most significant and entertaining stories of the saints.
€16.14 €9.68

A School of Fish

Animal-themed board book with touch and feel.
€9.49 €5.69

A Season with Mom

Join Katie Russell, cancer survivor and baseball enthusiast, as she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime: visiting all thirty Major League Baseball parks in one season. Along the way, she shares memories and reflections of her baseball-loving mother, who died of cancer before her and Katie could check this item off their bucket list together.
€23.74 €14.24

A Second Chance at Heaven

A still, small voice told me to remove the gun from my head and place it at my chest.
€16.14 €9.68

A Seed Planted

Rejection, rebellion, repentance, and resurrection collide to make one rocky path to joy in this poignant tale of a young girl’s twisted journey to wholeness. Can a long-ago planted seed finally take root and flourish?
€13.29 €7.97

A Selfish Plan to Change the World

Acclaimed social activist, filmmaker, and musician Justin Dillon---founder of Slavery Footprint and Made In A Free World---takes readers on a journey from sweatshops in India to punk rock concerts in Dublin to reveal that helping others is how we help ourselves.
€23.74 €14.24

A Serial Killer's Daughter

What is it like to learn that your ordinary, loving father is a serial killer? Kerri Rawson, the daughter of the notorious serial killer known as BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill), tells the nightmarish story of that discovery and of her long journey of faith and healing.
€18.99 €11.39

A Serial Killer's Daughter

What is it like to learn that your ordinary, loving father is a serial killer? Kerri Rawson, the daughter of the notorious serial killer known as BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill), tells the nightmarish story of that discovery and of her long journey of faith and healing.
€23.74 €14.24

A Shot of Faith (to the Head)

In A Shot of Faith of Faith to the Head, Mitch Stokes, Senior Fellow of Philosophy at New Saint Andrews College, dismantles the claims of skeptics and atheists, while constructing a simple yet solid case for Christian belief.
€16.14 €9.68

A Simplified Life

Do you long for a way to simplify the demands on your time, energy, and resources? Do the needs of others and the tasks before you leave you without time to breathe, much less pursue your passions? Bring sanity to your chaos with A Simplified Life by Emily Ley, bestselling author and creator of the wildly popular Simplified Planner.
€18.99 €11.39

A Skeleton in God's Closet

When an ancient skeleton is discovered in Israel, will it shed new light on the life of Jesus or plunge the world into chaos?
€12.34 €7.40

A Sparrow in Terezin

Bound together across time, two women will discover a powerful connection through one survivor’s story of hope in the darkest days of a war-torn world.
€15.19 €9.11

A Spy in Plain Sight

New York Times bestselling author and former federal prosecutor Lis Wiehl delivers a behind-the-scenes account of how FBI agent Robert Hanssen, a church-going father of five, sold national security secrets to Russia for more than two decades--and how America's current political climate makes it still possible today.
€25.64 €15.38

A Standard of Grace

I will hold myself to a standard of grace, not perfection. Busy wife, mom, entrepreneur, and bestselling author Emily Ley knows how you feel even on those chaotic, craziest of days, and she wants you to know that a standard of grace is achievable today.
€18.99 €11.39

A Star Filled Night

A Star Filled Night by Vonda Blackbourn is a retelling of the birth of Jesus. Written in verse and colorfully illustrated it will appeal to young children and their parents as well. Inspired by the text of the second chapter of the gospel of Luke, the shepherds are led to Bethlehem by a star.
€21.84 €13.10

A Star for Me

A new bedtime tradition that leads kids to the manger! A Star for Me is a count-your-blessings story that will soon become a beloved bedtime tradition during the holidays. At the beginning of the Christmas season, your children will look forward to reading the book and hanging the ornament on a bottom branch of the Christmas tree.
€14.24 €8.54

A Story of Joy

Jan’s daughter is born with multiple medical issues. As a result, Jan’s faith is constantly challenged as she struggles to meet her daughter’s needs for the best medical care and fulfill her responsibilities as a wife and mother to her other two children. Jan learns how to rely on God in the midst of chaos for the strength and wisdom she needs.
€9.49 €5.69

A Story of Joy

Jan’s daughter is born with multiple medical issues. As a result, Jan’s faith is constantly challenged as she struggles to meet her daughter’s needs for the best medical care and fulfill her responsibilities as a wife and mother to her other two children. Jan learns how to rely on God in the midst of chaos for the strength and wisdom she needs.
€23.74 €14.24

A Stranger at Fellsworth

Sara Ladd delivers another delightful romance in her newest novel, A Stranger at Fellsworth. Filled with an air of mystery and historical charm, this story will keep readers coming back for more.
€15.19 €9.11

A Stranger's Game

A gripping new stand-alone novel from USA TODAY bestselling romantic suspense author Colleen Coble.
€16.14 €9.68

A Stranger's Game

A gripping new stand-alone novel from USA TODAY bestselling romantic suspense author Colleen Coble.
€25.64 €15.38

A Suitor for Jenny

Jenny Higgins is certain falling in love and finding a husband are matters of the mind. Her heart has other plans.
€15.19 €9.11

A Summer Secret

In the Mysteries of Middlefield series, readers will be immersed into exciting mysteries and authentic Amish culture. With a twin brother and five younger brothers, Mary Beth Mullet’s house is in constant chaos. Her parents don’t seem to mind the noise, but she needs a break from all the pestering and babysitting.
€9.49 €5.69

A Supply Chain Management Guide to Business Continuity

Is there a weak link in your business’s supply chain? Even one can make the entire production process vulnerable to setbacks. Learn how to expertly monitor your business’s supply chain to improve results and increase profit.
€33.25 €19.95

A Survival Guide for Project Managers

A Survival Guide for Project Managers gives you a complete understanding of what it takes to successfully finish a project, giving you not only valuable tools like Work Breakdown Schedule, Gantt Charts, and Network Analysis, but also tools to communicate, negotiate, listen, and lead.
€18.95 €11.37

A Survival Guide for Working with Bad Bosses

Being saddled with a terrible supervisor can turn even the best job into a nightmare. Unfortunately, not every boss is the great symbol of managerial perfection one would hope for. A Survival Guide for Working with Bad Bosses provides readers with savvy, practical advice for coping with managers and supervisors who are mean, incompetent, unethical, and worse.