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#Struggles by New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel helps readers who are desperate to take back their lives as Christ followers. He shows them how cut through our selfie-centered world and rediscover the biblical values---such as authenticity, compassion, contentment, rest, and more---that bring us closer to Jesus.
€18.04 €10.82


#Struggles by New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel helps readers who are desperate to take back their lives as Christ followers. He shows them how cut through our selfie-centered world and rediscover the biblical values---such as authenticity, compassion, contentment, rest, and more---that bring us closer to Jesus.
€18.99 €11.39


#Struggles by New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel helps readers who are desperate to take back their lives as Christ followers. He shows them how cut through our selfie-centered world and rediscover the biblical values---such as authenticity, compassion, contentment, rest, and more---that bring us closer to Jesus.
€14.24 €8.54

#Struggles Study Guide

In #Struggles, bestselling author Craig Groeschel examines the problems of living in a selfie-centered world and gives Christ-followers five biblical values to help them restore contentment, intimacy, authenticity, compassion, and rest.
€10.44 €6.26

#Struggles Study Guide with DVD

In #Struggles, bestselling author Craig Groeschel examines the problems of living in a selfie-centered world and gives Christ-followers five biblical values to help them restore contentment, intimacy, authenticity, compassion, and rest.
€35.14 €21.08

#Struggles Video Study

In #Struggles, bestselling author Craig Groeschel examines the problems of living in a selfie-centered world and gives Christ-followers five biblical values to help them restore contentment, intimacy, authenticity, compassion, and rest.
€28.49 €17.09

¡Ahora entiendo! Hermenéutica bíblica

'La hermenéutica ha sido definida como la ciencia de la interpretación'. El objetivo primario y básico de la hermenéutica es el descubrir y explicar, hasta donde sea posible, el significado original del texto.
€10.44 €6.26

¡Alégrense las naciones!

Tras una década desde su publicación, este libro sigue siendo uno de los mejores referentes teológicos en cuanto al tema de las misiones. En él su autor, Piper, demuestra que una adoración correcta nos lleva a la acción misionera. Trata, también, el debate sobre si Jesús es el único camino a la salvación y se adentra en la enorme empresa misionera para describir la tarea que tenemos por delante.
€14.24 €8.54

¡Ayúdenme! Lidero adolescentes de 12 a 15

Conceptos cortos, prácticos, cuotas, y la información en este libro pertenecen al trabajo de la iglesia con estudiantes adolecentes.
€9.49 €5.69

¡Ayúdenme! Soy mujer en el ministerio juvenil

'¡Ayúdenme! ¡Soy una mujer en el ministerio juvenil!' analiza las cuestiones bíblicas relacionadas con la posiciones ocupadas por los hombres y las mujeres, y la relación entre ellos.
€9.49 €5.69

¡Cierre las brechas!

¡Enfócate en un rendimiento superior y consíguelo! En la tradición del best seller El mánager al minuto, este libro combina una parábola de negocios de evolución rápida con instrucciones paso a paso para aplicar el enfoque GAPS para la resolución de problemas.
€17.09 €10.25

¡Cierre las brechas!

¡Enfócate en un rendimiento superior y consíguelo! En la tradición del best seller El mánager al minuto, este libro combina una parábola de negocios de evolución rápida con instrucciones paso a paso para aplicar el enfoque GAPS para la resolución de problemas.
€13.29 €7.97

¡Corre Nicky!, ¡Corre!

Cuando comenzó su ministerio en las calles de Nueva York, David Wilkerson no sospechaba que Dios haría milagros tan grandes. La historia de Nicky Cruz, el insensible jefe de pandilla, es un testimonio impresionante.
€11.39 €6.83

¡Por fin lunes!

Visión, Misión, Propósitos, Principios, Valores, Metas, Estrategias y Objetivos. ¡Por fin lunes! es una exclamación positiva de la importancia de integrar la vida personal y profesional con los valores que nos permitan no solo el éxito profesional, sino también un propósito espiritual y moral.
€12.34 €7.40

¡Salta, Ranita, salta!

Ésta es la tortuga que se metío en la charca y se comío a la serpiente que se deslizo de una rama y se tragó al pez que nadaba tras la ranita.¿Salta ranita salta! Este alegre cuento repetido hará saltar y cantar de contento a todas esas 'ranitas' que conoces.
€6.64 €3.98

¡Sí! puedes salvar tu matrimonio

A través de experiencias personales, Joe y Michelle Williams han aprendido qué funciona y qué no durante los tiempos difíciles de un matrimonio. Habiendo experimentado varios divorcios antes de ser cristianos, Joe y Michelle escriben con una visión y autoridad que no pueden ser negadas.
€12.34 €7.40


¡Sorprendente! Es un increíble road trip por Brasil a bordo de un Chevrolet Opala capaz de hacernos llorar y reír en una misma página, en una misma frase.
€18.04 €10.82


Timmy Ost, te llevará a descubrir cómo sacar partido a estos años vitales de tu vida. Encontraras en este libro respuestas e ideas que te ayudaran a ser feliz y vivir con un sentido de dirección claro. Al mismo tiempo, comenzarás a experimentar los beneficios de vivir la juventud intensamente y verás con tus propios ojos los resultados exitosos de tus decisiones.
€7.59 €4.55

¿Adivina qué?

Cincuenta historias favoritas de la Biblia que tienen palabras para 'adivinar'. El tiempo de lectura nocturno se vuelve tan divertido como el tiempo de juegos. Ademas de aprender verdades biblicas al adivinar palabras que faltan y hacerlas aparecer.
€13.29 €7.97

¿Como aprovechar al máximo el resto de mi vida?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, and generally presented as the last talk of the Alpha weekend. This booklet may be given to a guest who missed this Alpha talk. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Cómo conquistar el corazón de Dios?

En Conquista el corazón de Dios, el autor comparte lo que ha aprendido en su camino hacia Dios. Comenzando por el principio de que fuimos creados para agradar a Dios, desarrolla puntos, muchos de ellos tan prácticos como los de quedarse con la mayor parte de las ofrendas y de la gloria, que son centrales en nuestra relación con él. Habla después de lo que sucede cuando Dios responde a nuestra búsqueda de amor, y del potencial que tiene esa respuesta suya para el evangelismo.
€10.44 €6.26

¿Cómo llegar a ellos?

Una obra que explora cómo evangelizar y cómo hacer buena Apologética en el mundo en el que nos ha tocado vivir, el mundo postmoderno. Examina tanto las principales religiones del mundo (el Islam, el Judaísmo, las Religiones Orientales, etc.), como la 'religión' del ateísmo, para enseñarnos cómo podemos hablarles del evangelio de forma eficaz.
€14.24 €8.54

¿Cómo llegó la Biblia hasta nosotros?

Valorar la Biblia de forma adecuada como la Palabra de Dios, con toda la autoridad y trascendencia que implica, pasa por conocer la formación del Canon bíblico, los documentos, la fiabilidad, las traducciones, las evidencias teológicas y científicas.
€14.24 €8.54

¿Como nos guía Dios?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, and the seventh talk on Alpha. Nicky Gumbel examines how we can follow in God's will and direction for our life. This booklet may be given to a guest who missed this Alpha talk. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Cómo puedo resistir el mal?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, and the twelfth talk on Alpha. This booklet sheds light on how to resist evil and may be given to a guest who missed this Alpha talk.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Cómo puedo ser sanado?

Este libro nos brinda una comprension correcta de la sanidad divina segun la biblia para que los que sufren de enfermedades.
€8.54 €5.12

¿Como puedo tener fe?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, and the fourth talk on Alpha. Nicky Gumbel looks at the evidence for believing in Christianity. This booklet may be given to a guest who missed this Alpha talk. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Conozco a Dios?

Incluso viviendo a la sombra de Billy Graham no hizo preguntas en cuanto a su fe en Cristo. ¿Estaba en realidad salvado? ¿Vería a Jesús en el cielo algún día? Acompañe a Tullian Tchividjian en su relato y aprenda cómo puede usted confiar en las verdades de la Palabra de Dios.
€10.44 €6.26

¿Cuál Camino?

Este manual satisface dos necesidades: la de conocer las doctrinas falsas para permanecer firmes en la verdad y la de aprender a acercarse con amor y argumentos sólidos a quienes vagan extraviados en las tinieblas del error.
€11.39 €6.83

¿Cuál es el mensaje del Libro de Mormón?

LO QUE NECESITAMOS SABER CON RESPECTO AL LIBRO DE MORMÓN ¿Qué es el Libro de Mormón y qué enseña? ¿Cómo se escribió el Libro de Mormón? ¿Cómo usan los mormones este libro? ¿De qué manera difiere de la Biblia el Libro de Mormón? ¿Existen problemas en cuanto al Libro de Mormón?
€8.54 €5.12

¿Dónde está Dios cuando más lo necesito?

En esta edición revisa y expandida de ¿Dónde esta Dios cuando más lo necesito? La autora nos dice que la restauración es posible cuando se depende por completo de Dios.
€8.54 €5.12

¿Dónde está Dios cuando sucede algo malo?

Este libro es una exploración rotunda de la intervención divina en medio de un gran dolor.
€4.74 €2.84

¿Dónde está Dios cuando sucede algo malo?

Este libro es una exploración rotunda de la intervención divina en medio de un gran dolor.
€11.39 €6.83

¿El canguro tiene mamá?

Los animales tienen mamá, como tú y como yo, ¡igual! Conoce al bebé canguro que viaja dentro de una bolsa en la barriga de su mamá. Mira cómo el polluelo del cisne navega en el lomo de su mamá. A través de sus coloridos collages, Eric Carle ofrece a los pequeños lectores un maravilloso panorama visual.
€17.09 €10.25

¿El canguro tiene mamá?

Los animales tienen mamá, como tú y como yo, ¡igual! Conoce al bebé canguro que viaja dentro de una bolsa en la barriga de su mamá. Mira cómo el polluelo del cisne navega en el lomo de su mamá. A través de sus coloridos collages, Eric Carle ofrece a los pequeños lectores un maravilloso panorama visual.
€6.64 €3.98

¿El cristianismo: ?Aburrido, falso e irrelevante?

In this chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Searching Issues. Nicky tackles questions around the Trinity---one of the most challenging doctrines and most common questions of the Christian faith. This is an ideal take away for those struggling with this topic or anyone curious to find out more. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Es la fe irracional?

In this chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Searching Issues. Nicky tackles questions around the rationality of faith, as it can be a barrier for some and one of the most common questions asked on Alpha. This is an ideal take away for those struggling with this topic or anyone curious to find out more. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Es la religion mas perjudicial que beneficiosa?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Searching Issues. Nicky tackles questions around faith and the misuse of faith in our world today. This is an ideal take away for an Alpha guest who is struggling with this topic or anyone curious to find out more.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Es la religion mas perjudicial que beneficiosa?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Searching Issues. Nicky tackles questions around faith and the misuse of faith in our world today. This is an ideal take away for an Alpha guest who is struggling with this topic or anyone curious to find out more.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Es la Trinidad una creencia sin fundamentos bíblicos, imposible de creer e irrelevante?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Searching Issues. Nicky tackles questions around the Trinity, as it is one of the most challenging doctrines of the Christian faith and one of the most common questions asked on Alpha. This is an ideal take away for those struggling with this topic or anyone curious to find out more.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Hay alguien ahí?

La mayor inquietud del ser humano: la existencia de DIOS, no queda probada en este libro, pero su autor nos presenta los argumentos necesarios que servirán al lector, para la afirmación de la Verdad.
€16.14 €9.68

¿Para que estoy aquí en la tierra?

Estás a punto de embarcarte en un viaje de descubrimiento. A lo largo de estas seis nuevas sesiones, basadas en estudios impartidos por Rick Warren, vas a descubrir la respuesta a la pregunta fundamental de la vida: '¿Para qué estoy aquí en la tierra?'.
€1.89 €1.13

¿Para qué estoy aquí en la tierra? Guía de estudio

Esta guía de estudio está diseñada para ser usada con el Estudio en DVD ¿Para qué estoy aquí en la tierra? Dondequiera que vayas a experimentar esta aventura, con tu grupo pequeño o por tu propia cuenta, este estudio cambiará tu vida.
€11.39 €6.83

¿Para que estoy aquí en la tierra? Guia de estudio DVD

¿Para qué estoy aquí en la tierra? Dondequiera que vayas a experimentar esta aventura, con tu grupo pequeño o por tu propia cuenta, este estudio cambiará tu vida.
€14.24 €8.54

¿Por Diseño o por Azar? El origen de la vida en el universo

La evidencia respalda a un universo que estalla de diseño, que no prueba la doctrina cristiana de Dios, pero hace de la creencia en Dios una idea razonable. Este libro intenta responder algunas preguntas, no con palabras científicas o filosóficas, sino con unos conceptos y ejemplos breves, expresados de manera simple.
€23.74 €14.24

¿Por que Jesus?

This booklet is a concise study of questions surrounding Jesus your guests might have when first attending your church or Alpha: Who is Jesus?, Why do we need him?, Why did he have to die?, Why is he relevant to my life today? It is an effective evangelistic tool in sharing the gospel in a warm and relevant way. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Por que la Navidad?

This booklet is a study of the questions surrounding Jesus that your guests might be thinking when first attending Alpha. It is an effective evangelistic tool to share the gospel in a warm and relevant way. This booklet is specially designed for the Christmas season. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Por que la Pasqua?

This booklet is a concise study of the real questions surrounding Jesus that people might be thinking about at Easter: Who is Jesus? Why do we need him? Why does he matter to my life today? These booklets are an effective evangelistic tool to pass out to guests at your services, sharing the Gospel in a warm and relevant way.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Por qué le importa a Dios con quién me acuesto?

Sam Allberry, autor de muchos libros, entre ellos Is God Anti-Gay?, expone el buen diseño de Dios para la expresión de la sexualidad humana, mostrando que Dios mismo es amor y que sólo él puede satisfacer nuestros deseos más profundos.
€9.49 €5.69

¿Por que murió Jesus?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, and the third talk on Alpha. Nicky Gumbel examines the extraordinary implications of Jesus' death and resurrection. This is a great outreach booklet to pass along to family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Por que permite Dios el sufrimiento?

In this chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Searching Issues, Nicky tackles questions around the Trinity---one of the most challenging doctrines and most common questions of the Christian faith. This is an ideal take away for an Alpha guest who is struggling with this topic or anyone curious to find out more. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Por qué y cómo contárselo a los otros?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, and the thirteenth talk on Alpha. Nicky Gumbel discusses how telling others about our faith can be a natural part of our relationship with God. This booklet may be given to a guest who missed this Alpha talk. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Por qué y cómo leo la Biblia?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, and the sixth talk on Alpha. Nicky Gumbel looks at the reasons why to read the Bible and ways we can read the Word of God.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Por qué y cómo orar?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, and the fifth talk on Alpha. Nicky Gumbel looks at the reasons why to pray and ways we can effectively communicate with God. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Puede la ciencia explicarlo todo?

¿Puede la ciencia explicarlo todo? El profesor de matemáticas de Oxford y creyente cristiano, John Lennox, ofrece una nueva forma de pensar sobre la ciencia y el cristianismo que disipa los conceptos erróneos comunes sobre ambos.
€8.54 €5.12

¿Qué diferencia marca Jesús?

Esta edición revisada del currículo para grupos pequeños de la serie Preguntas Difíciles enfrenta de lleno las preguntas espinosas y retadoras que los buscadores hacen en cuanto a la fe cristiana.
€6.64 €3.98

¿Qué hace este botón?

La tan esperada biografía en español del multifacético, legendario y vocalista principal de Iron Maiden, una de las bandas de rock más exitosas, influyentes y duraderas de todos los tiempos. Pionero de la escena naciente del rock y metal en Gran Bretaña a finales de la década de los 70, Iron Maiden irrumpió y se impuso hasta alcanzar la cumbre, en gran medida gracias a las presentaciones de alto octanaje, su estilo de canto operático, y l
€21.84 €13.10

¿Que hay acerca de la iglesia?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, and the fifteenth talk on Alpha. Nicky Gumbel addresses the Church: what it is, what it's not, and how it relates to us in our faith. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Que hay acerca de la nueva espiritualidad?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Searching Issues. Nicky tackles questions around the New Spirituality, as it can be a barrier to faith and one of the most common questions asked on Alpha. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Que hay acerca de otros religiones?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Searching Issues. Nicky tackles questions around other religions, as it can be a barrier to faith and one of the most common questions asked on Alpha. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Quién creó a Dios?

En un solo volumen, muy fácil de consultar, encontrará un resumen de las respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre apologética cristiana, preparadas por algunos de los más destacados apologistas evangélicos. El propósito de este libro es proporcionar a laicos y líderes cristianos respuestas bíblicas y prácticas a preguntas difíciles sobre la fe cristiana, así como también acerca de su relación con otros credos, en una época en la que muchos oyen a través de los ojos y piensan con sus emoci
€12.34 €7.40

¿Quién es este hombre?

En vísperas de su crucifixión, daba la impresión de que la influencia de Jesús sobre el mundo se había extinguido. Sin embargo, fue al contrario: acababa de comenzar. En su obra ¿Quién es este hombre?, John Ortberg revela la forma tan profunda e irreversible en que Jesús ha causado un impacto en la civilización y en los corazones de los seres humanos.
€11.39 €6.83

¿Quien es Jesus?

Who Is Jesus? is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, book and the second talk on Alpha. Nicky answers questions about Jesus such as, What historical evidence is there, other than the Bible, that Jesus actually existed? He also discusses how what Jesus said and did two thousand years ago could still be relevant to us today. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Quién mató a Cambio?

Todos los días organizaciones alrededor del mundo lanzan iniciativas de cambio destinadas a mejorar el statu quo. Sin embargo, entre el cincuenta y el setenta por ciento de esos esfuerzos por lograr un cambio fracasan. Este libro te inspirará a convertirte en un eficaz Agente de Cambio en tu propia organización.
€13.29 €7.97

¿Quién mató a Cambio?

Todos los días organizaciones alrededor del mundo lanzan iniciativas de cambio destinadas a mejorar el statu quo. Sin embargo, entre el cincuenta y el setenta por ciento de esos esfuerzos por lograr un cambio fracasan. Este libro te inspirará a convertirte en un eficaz Agente de Cambio en tu propia organización.
€17.09 €10.25

¿Sabes quién es?

¿Y si la persona a la que mejor creías conocer se convierte en alguien que no conoces en absoluto? Andrea Cooper lo sabe todo sobre su madre, Laura. Sabe que pasó toda su vida en el pequeño pueblo costero de Gullaway Island; sabe que lo único que ha querido siempre es vivir una vida tranquila como pilar de la comunidad; sabe que nunca ha ocultado un secreto en su vida. Y es que todos conocemos a nuestras madres, ¿no es así?
€16.14 €9.68

¿Sabes quién es?

¿Y si la persona a la que mejor creías conocer se convierte en alguien que no conoces en absoluto? Andrea Cooper lo sabe todo sobre su madre, Laura. Sabe que pasó toda su vida en el pequeño pueblo costero de Gullaway Island; sabe que lo único que ha querido siempre es vivir una vida tranquila como pilar de la comunidad; sabe que nunca ha ocultado un secreto en su vida. Y es que todos conocemos a nuestras madres, ¿no es así?
€26.59 €15.95

¿Sano Dios hoy en día?

This is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Questions of Life, and the fourteenth talk on Alpha. Nicky Gumbel discusses how God can bring healing and transformation into our lives today. This booklet may be given to a guest who missed this Alpha talk. This resource is written in Spanish.
€3.79 €2.27

¿Son vigentes los dones milagrosos?

¿Son vigentes el dones milagrosos? Los cesacionistas creen que no. Los pentecostales y miembros de la Tercera Ola opinan que sí. La perspectiva abierta, pero cautelosa, responde con un tímido 'quizás'. ¿Cuál es la respuesta? Esta obra ofrece un foro imparcial donde comparar las cuatro perspectivas principales. Un autor de cada una de estas líneas de pensamiento presenta su posición y ésta va acompañada de los comentarios y la crítica de las perspectivas opuestas.
€17.09 €10.25

¿Soy solo un cerebro?

¿Cuál es la relación entre nuestro cerebro y nuestra mente, y nuestro sentido de identidad como persona? ¿Somos más que máquinas? ¿Tenemos un alma? La investigadora expone la comprensión actual de biólogos, filósofos, teólogos y psicólogos, y da respuestas a las preguntas de nuestra existencia.
€8.54 €5.12

¿Y ahora qué? Guía para el nuevo creyente

Ésta es una guía clásica en un nuevo formato para el recién convertido.
€0.71 €0.43

1 and 2 Peter

Intended as companions to the Blackaby Study Bible, these guides also stand alone as a complete study of a book of the Bible.
€9.49 €5.69

1 and 2 Peter

Intended as companions to the Blackaby Study Bible, these guides also stand alone as a complete study of a book of the Bible.
€9.49 €5.69

1 and 2 Peter

Intended as companions to the Blackaby Study Bible, these guides also stand alone as a complete study of a book of the Bible.
€9.49 €5.69

1 and 2 Thessalonians

Intended as companions to the Blackaby Study Bible, these guides also stand alone as a complete study of a book of the Bible.
€9.49 €5.69

1 and 2 Thessalonians

Intended as companions to the Blackaby Study Bible, these guides also stand alone as a complete study of a book of the Bible.
€9.49 €5.69

1 and 2 Thessalonians Study Guide plus Streaming Video

In this six-session video study, bestselling author Levi Lusko guides participants through the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, revealing what Paul's words meant to his readers and what they mean to us today.
€18.99 €11.39

1 and 2 Thessalonians Study Guide with DVD

In this six-session video study, bestselling author Levi Lusko guides participants through the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, revealing what Paul's words meant to his readers and what they mean to us today.
€47.49 €28.49

1 and 2 Thessalonians Video Study

In this six-session video study, bestselling author Levi Lusko guides participants through the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, revealing what Paul's words meant to his readers and what they mean to us today.
€28.49 €17.09

1 and 2 Timothy and Titus

Intended as companions to the Blackaby Study Bible, these guides also stand alone as a complete study of a book of the Bible.
€9.49 €5.69

1 and 2 Timothy, Titus

The Lucado Life Lessons series brings the New Testament to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational storytelling, profound reflections, and space for journaling. Revised and updated, Lucado Life Lessons continues to be one of the best-selling study guide series available for small groups and individuals.
€9.49 €5.69

1 and 2 Chronicles

A companion to the acclaimed Word Biblical Commentary, the Word Biblical Themes series helps readers discover the most important themes of a book of the Bible. This series distills the theological essence of a given book of Scripture and serves it up in ways that enrich the preaching, teaching, worship, and discipleship of God’s people.
€18.99 €11.39

1 and 2 Chronicles

The NIV Application Commentary helps readers with the vital task of bringing the ancient message of the Bible into a contemporary context. It gives preachers and teachers the tools, ideas, and insights they need to communicate God’s Word with the same powerful impact it had when it was first written.
€40.84 €24.50

1 and 2 Corinthians

A companion to the acclaimed Word Biblical Commentary, the Word Biblical Themes series helps readers discover the most important themes of a book of the Bible. This series distills the theological essence of a given book of Scripture and serves it up in ways that enrich the preaching, teaching, worship, and discipleship of God’s people.
€18.99 €11.39

1 and 2 Corinthians

This is a softcover title that helps readers understand the historical and cultural background of the books of the New Testament. Brimming with photos and graphics, each book will walk you verse by verse through the books of the New Testament.
€15.19 €9.11

1 and 2 Corinthians

This is a softcover title that helps readers understand the historical and cultural background of the books of the New Testament. Brimming with photos and graphics, each book will walk you verse by verse through the books of the New Testament.
€15.19 €9.11

1 and 2 Kings

A companion to the acclaimed Word Biblical Commentary, the Word Biblical Themes series helps readers discover the most important themes of a book of the Bible. This series distills the theological essence of a given book of Scripture and serves it up in ways that enrich the preaching, teaching, worship, and discipleship of God’s people.
€18.99 €11.39

1 and 2 Kings

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€47.49 €28.49

1 and 2 Kings

The NIV Application Commentary helps readers with the vital task of bringing the ancient message of the Bible into a contemporary context. It gives preachers and teachers the tools, ideas, and insights they need to communicate God’s Word with the same powerful impact it had when it was first written.
€40.84 €24.50

1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

This series brings to life the world of the Old Testament through informative entries and full-color photos and graphics. Here readers find the premier commentary set for connecting with the historical and cultural context of the Old Testament.
€66.49 €39.89

1 and 2 Peter

John MacArthur takes readers through the books of 1 and 2 Peter, exploring the writer’s teachings on the blessings available to believers because of persecution and how we must discern and defeat the false teachers in our midst.
€12.34 €7.40

1 and 2 Peter

The Jeremiah Bible Studies bring Scripture to life in twelve lessons filled with teachings from Dr. David Jeremiah, one the most widely viewed and respected Bible teachers today. Each volume includes study questions, commentary, and reflections to help readers understand what the Bible means to them today.
€12.34 €7.40

1 and 2 Peter, 1 and 2 John, Jude

This award-winning commentary, now available in softcover, includes the full text of the NIV and details scholarly, technical notes and discussions, which provide insights to the Scriptures that are practical to everyday life.
€18.99 €11.39

1 and 2 Peter, Jude, 1, 2, and 3 John

This is a softcover title that helps readers understand the historical and cultural background of the books of the New Testament. Brimming with photos and graphics, each book will walk you verse by verse through the books of the New Testament.
€12.34 €7.40

1 and 2 Samuel

New Community Series is a high-impact tool for experiencing the transforming power of God’s Word. This cutting-edge series lets you explore life-changing topics from a biblical perspective both as an individual and as part of a community of Christ followers. Challenging questions encourage you to reflect on Scripture and its impact on your life.
€9.49 €5.69

1 and 2 Samuel

New Community Series is a high-impact tool for experiencing the transforming power of God’s Word. This cutting-edge series lets you explore life-changing topics from a biblical perspective both as an individual and as part of a community of Christ followers. Challenging questions encourage you to reflect on Scripture and its impact on your life.
€37.99 €22.79

1 and 2 Samuel: A Commentary

Robert P. Gordon has provided us with a substantial commentary on the English text of the books of Samuel, concentrating on exegesis, but also paying attention to linguistic and textual problems.
€23.74 €14.24

1 and 2 Thessalonians

This volume on 1 and 2 Thessalonians in the Zondervan Critical Introductions to the New Testament series offers a volume-length engagement with subjects that normally only receive short treatments in biblical commentaries. It addresses issues such as audience, socio-historical context, purpose, structure, history of interpretation, and much more.
€42.74 €25.64

1 and 2 Thessalonians

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€30.39 €18.23

1 and 2 Thessalonians

The Jeremiah Bible Studies bring Scripture to life in twelve lessons filled with teachings from Dr. David Jeremiah, one the most widely viewed and respected Bible teachers today. Each volume includes study questions, commentary, and reflections to help readers understand what the Bible means to them today.
€12.34 €7.40

1 and 2 Thessalonians

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€28.49 €17.09

1 and 2 Thessalonians

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€33.24 €19.94

1 and 2 Thessalonians

A companion to the acclaimed Word Biblical Commentary, the Word Biblical Themes series helps readers discover the most important themes of a book of the Bible. This series distills the theological essence of a given book of Scripture and serves it up in ways that enrich the preaching, teaching, worship, and discipleship of God’s people.
€18.99 €11.39

1 and 2 Thessalonians and Titus

John MacArthur takes readers through the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians and Titus, exploring Paul’s words on how to live in view of Jesus’ return to this world and lead a life worthy of the calling Christ has placed on each of us.
€12.34 €7.40

1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus

This is a softcover title that helps readers understand the historical and cultural background of the books of the New Testament. Brimming with photos and graphics, each book will walk you verse by verse through the books of the New Testament.
€15.19 €9.11

1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus

This is a softcover title that helps readers understand the historical and cultural background of the books of the New Testament. Brimming with photos and graphics, each book will walk you verse by verse through the books of the New Testament.
€12.34 €7.40

1 and 2 Thessalonians, Volume 45

WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
€33.24 €19.94

1 and 2 Timothy

John MacArthur takes readers through the books of 1 and 2 Timothy, exploring Paul’s practical instruction on godliness and holy living so we can fulfill our calling in Christ and carry out the tasks that He has given to us.
€9.49 €5.69

1 and 2 Timothy and Titus

The Jeremiah Bible Studies bring Scripture to life in twelve lessons filled with teachings from Dr. David Jeremiah, one the most widely viewed and respected Bible teachers today. Each volume includes study questions, commentary, and reflections to help readers understand what the Bible means to them today.
€12.34 €7.40

1 and 2 Timothy, Titus

The first of the Hippo preaching commentaries, with endnotes on the Greek text and other issues of academic importance.
€20.89 €12.53

1 and 2 Timothy, Titus

The first of the Hippo preaching commentaries, with endnotes on the Greek text and other issues of academic importance.
€28.49 €17.09

1 Chronicles, Volume 14

WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
€42.74 €25.64

1 Chronicles–Job

The award-winning Expositor’s Bible Commentary---now completely revised. The original work has earned its reputation with students, professors, and pastors the world over. Now this thirteen-volume set builds upon the foundation of its predecessor with the most current scholarship and resources.
€47.49 €28.49

1 Corinthians

The Jeremiah Bible Studies bring Scripture to life in twelve lessons filled with teachings from Dr. David Jeremiah, one the most respected Bible teachers today. Each volume includes study questions, commentary, and reflections to help readers understand what the Bible means to them today.
€12.34 €7.40

1 Corinthians

John MacArthur takes readers through the book of 1 Corinthians, exploring the doctrinal truths Paul outlines related to sin and righteousness and how to lead a godly life.
€9.49 €5.69

1 Corinthians

The aim of this series is to exegete each passage of Scripture succinctly in its grammatical and historical context. Each passage is interpreted in the light of its biblical setting, with a view to grammatical detail, literary context, flow of biblical argument, and historical setting.
€47.49 €28.49

1 Corinthians

John MacArthur takes readers through the book of 1 Corinthians, exploring the doctrinal truths Paul outlines related to sin and righteousness and how to lead a godly life.
€12.34 €7.40

1 Corinthians

John MacArthur takes readers through the book of 1 Corinthians, exploring the doctrinal truths Paul outlines related to sin and righteousness and how to lead a godly life.
€9.49 €5.69

1 Corinthians

The NIV Application Commentary helps readers with the vital task of bringing the ancient message of the Bible into a contemporary context. It gives preachers and teachers the tools, ideas, and insights they need to communicate God’s Word with the same powerful impact it had when it was first written.
€28.49 €17.09

1 Corinthians, A Video Study

1 Corinthians, A Video Study, features biblical scholar Paul Gardner and covers each passage in Paul's letter, interpreted in the light of its original setting, with a view to grammatical detail, literary context, flow of biblical argument, and historical context.
€132.99 €79.79

1 John

This is one volume in a high-impact series for experiencing the transforming power of God’s Word in the context of community. 6 SESSIONS
€9.49 €5.69

1 John

In this five-session video-based Bible study, Proverbs 31 author and speaker Wendy Blight shows women how to walk confidently in God's unconditional, extravagant, lavish love---and live it out for all to see.
€18.99 €11.39

1 Kings 1 to 11, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes

John MacArthur takes readers through 1 Kings 1–11 and the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, exploring the historical period beginning with Solomon’s ascent to the throne, continuing with his writings in the Old Testament, and concluding with his tragic end. This study can be used for personal reflection or for use in a small-group setting.
€12.34 €7.40

1 Kings 12 to 22

John MacArthur takes readers through 1 Kings 12–22, exploring the historical period beginning with the spilt between Judah and Israel, continuing into the remarkable events during the prophet Elijah’s ministry, and concluding with the death of King Ahab. This study can be used for personal reflection or for use in a small-group setting.
€9.49 €5.69

1 Kings, Volume 12

WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
€42.74 €25.64

1 Peter

A companion to the acclaimed Word Biblical Commentary, the Word Biblical Themes series helps readers discover the most important themes of a book of the Bible. This series distills the theological essence of a given book of Scripture and serves it up in ways that enrich the preaching, teaching, worship, and discipleship of God’s people.
€18.99 €11.39

1 Peter

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€28.49 €14.53

1 Peter

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€9.49 €5.69

1 Peter

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€28.49 €17.09

1 Peter 1-2: Audio Lectures

1 Peter 1-2: Audio Lectures, featuring Dennis Edwards, helps pastors, students, Sunday School teachers, and lay people live out the biblical text in today's world by illuminating each passage of 1 Peter in light of the Bible’s grand story.
€20.89 €12.53

1 Peter 3-5: Audio Lectures

1 Peter 3-5: Audio Lectures, featuring Dennis Edwards, helps pastors, students, Sunday School teachers, and lay people live out the biblical text in today's world by illuminating each passage of 1 Peter in light of the Bible’s grand story.
€20.89 €12.53

1 Peter, A Video Study

1 Peter, A Video Study, featuring Dennis Edwards, helps pastors, students, Sunday School teachers, and lay people live out the biblical text in today's world by illuminating each passage of 1 Peter in light of the Bible’s grand story.
€94.99 €56.99

1 Peter, Volume 49

WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
€42.74 €25.64

1 Samuel

John MacArthur takes readers through the book of 1 Samuel, exploring the historical period beginning with the miraculous birth of Samuel, continuing through Saul’s crowning as Israel’s first king, and concluding with his tragic death. This study can be used for personal reflection or for use in a small-group setting.
€12.34 €7.40

1 Samuel, Volume 10

WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
€42.74 €25.64

1 Samuel-2 Kings

Now completely revised, 1 Samuel–2 Kings continues the Gold Medallion Award–winning legacy of The Expositor’s Bible Commentary series. Making world-class biblical scholarship accessible to all people, the award-winning Expositor’s Bible Commentary is now completely revised. The original work has earned its reputation with students, professors, and pastors the world over. This thirteen-volume set builds upon the foundation of its predecessor with the most current scholarship and resources.
€50.34 €30.20

1, 2, 3 John and Jude

Intended as companions to the Blackaby Study Bible, these guides also stand alone as a complete study of a book of the Bible.
€9.49 €5.69

1, 2, 3 John and Jude

Intended as companions to the Blackaby Study Bible, these guides also stand alone as a complete study of a book of the Bible.
€9.49 €5.69

1, 2, 3 John and Jude

Intended as companions to the Blackaby Study Bible, these guides also stand alone as a complete study of a book of the Bible.
€9.49 €5.69

1, 2, 3 John and Jude

John MacArthur takes readers through the books of 1, 2 and 3 John and Jude, exploring each writer’s warnings against false teachers, about the need to stand firm in true biblical faith, and how we must examine our lives and confess our sins.
€12.34 €7.40

1, 2, 3, John and Jude

The Jeremiah Bible Studies bring Scripture to life in twelve lessons filled with teachings from Dr. David Jeremiah, one the most widely viewed and respected Bible teachers today. Each volume includes study questions, commentary, and reflections to help readers understand what the Bible means to them today.
€12.34 €7.40

1, 2, and 3 John

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€33.24 €19.94

1, 2, and 3 John

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€28.49 €17.09

1, 2, and 3 John, A Video Study

In 1, 2, and 3 John, A Video Study, each of the books' passages is interpreted in the light of its biblical setting, with a view to grammatical detail, literary context, flow of biblical argument, and historical setting.
€71.24 €42.74

1, 2, and 3 John, Volume 51

WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
€42.74 €25.64

1, 2, and 3 John, Volume 51

WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
€42.74 €25.64

10 citas extraordinarias para vigorizar su matrimonio DVD

Estos dvd's están organizado alrededor de diez citas que las parejas tendrán para aprender cinco destrezas básicas y cinco avanzadas con el objetivo de revitalizar su matrimonio.
€14.24 €8.54

10 citas extraordinarias para vigorizar tu matrimonio

Este libro está organizado alrededor de diez citas que las parejas tendrán para aprender cinco destrezas básicas y cinco avanzadas con el objetivo de revitalizar su matrimonio.
€13.29 €7.97

10 cosas tontas que creen los cristianos inteligentes

En este libro práctico y encantadoramente personal, el respetado maestro de la Biblia, Larry Osborne, enfrenta diez tontas y peligrosas creencias ampliamente generalizadas.
€11.39 €6.83

10 Great Dates Before You Say 'I Do'

A unique approach featuring fun-filled dates to help seriously dating and engaged couples strengthen their relationship. Couples will soon discover whether or not to go to the next level of commitment, and will spend quality time together now while preparing for a great marriage in the future.
€15.19 €9.11

10 Great Dates Before You Say 'I Do'

A unique approach featuring fun-filled dates to help seriously dating and engaged couples strengthen their relationship. Couples will soon discover whether or not to go to the next level of commitment, and will spend quality time together now while preparing for a great marriage in the future.
€14.24 €8.54

10 Great Dates for Empty Nesters

It’s just the two of you again and it’s time to renew your relationship. You can reconnect and reclaim that same spark, excitement, and creativity you experienced before you had kids through ten innovative, fun dates guaranteed to spice up your marriage.
€15.19 €9.11

10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage

Ultra-relevant and packed full of tips, this updated and expanded edition of 10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage will bring adventure back with ten innovative dates each with proven conversation prompts based on eye-opening themes. Surprise each other with the thrill of a hot new connection and a revived sense of purpose. Includes bonus dates.
€15.19 €9.11

10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage

Ultra-relevant and packed full of tips, this updated and expanded edition of 10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage will bring adventure back with ten innovative dates each with proven conversation prompts based on eye-opening themes. Surprise each other with the thrill of a hot new connection and a revived sense of purpose. Includes bonus dates.
€15.19 €9.11

10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage

Ultra-relevant and packed full of tips, this updated and expanded edition of 10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage will bring adventure back with ten innovative dates each with proven conversation prompts based on eye-opening themes. Surprise each other with the thrill of a hot new connection and a revived sense of purpose. Includes bonus dates.
€14.24 €8.54

10 Minutes in the Word: John

Embrace your time with the Lord, no matter how busy you are! 10 Minutes in the Word: John is a perfect companion to studying the book of John from the Bible. Each day, read the assigned scripture, followed by the daily insights, explanations, and thoughts this devotional offers to truly understand this important book in the Bible.
€9.49 €5.69

10 Minutes in the Word: Proverbs

Embrace your time with the Lord, no matter how busy you are! 10 Minutes in the Word: Proverbs offers tangible reminders of God’s wisdom and meaningful reflections in just 10 minutes. For the days when you need help discerning direction, 10 Minutes in the Word: Proverbs is the perfect way to engage with God.
€9.49 €5.69

10 Minutes in the Word: Psalms

Embrace your time with the Lord, no matter how busy you are! 10 Minutes in the Word: Psalms offers encouraging insights and meaningful reflections in just 10 minutes. For the days when you most need the presence of God, 10 Minutes in the Word: Psalms is the perfect way to grow in your faith and relationship with God.
€12.34 €7.40

100 Days to Brave

No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’re up against or dreaming of or praying for---God has a plan for you. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy or always simple. But God promises to be faithful. And He gives you the power to be brave! Find out how to grow your faith and chase your dreams with 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs.
€17.09 €10.25

100 Days to Brave

No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’re up against or dreaming of or praying for---God has a plan for you. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy or always simple. But God promises to be faithful. And He gives you the power to be brave! Find out how to grow your faith and chase your dreams with 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs.
€15.19 €9.11

100 Days to Brave Deluxe Edition

No matter where you are in life, God has a plan for you. That doesn't mean it's always easy or simple. But God promises to be faithful. And He gives you the power to be brave! Find out how to grow your faith and chase your dreams with this deluxe edition of 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs.
€18.99 €11.39

100 Days to Brave for Kids

Annie Downs’ 100 Days to Brave for Kids helps readers 8 to 12 discover they are braver than they know and stronger than they thought possible through 100 days of devotions based on the adult bestselling book.
€17.09 €10.25

100 Days to Brave Guided Journal

As she walks us through excerpts from 100 Days to Brave, journaling prompts, Scripture passages, and practical challenges, bestselling author Annie F. Downs helps us take that bold first step toward a better life in 100 Days to Brave Guided Journal.
€18.99 €11.39

100 Horas

Unas vacaciones de primavera en una playa exótica donde todo está permitido, se convierten en una aterradora historia de supervivencia cuando seis adolescentes de Miami son secuestrados y rescatados.
€14.24 €8.54

100 Things God Loves About You

There is no better feeling than knowing you are loved!
€9.49 €5.69

100 Things God Loves About You

In 100 Things God Loves About You, powerful Scripture verses, thoughtful devotions, and colorful images remind us that no matter how discouraged or inadequate we feel some days, God's love for us never changes--and is always beautifully abundant.
€12.34 €7.40

1000 bosquejos para predicadores

Más de 1000 bosquejos compilados por Samuel Vila en un solo volumen, agrupados por temas de predicación y con sofisticados índices de búsqueda que facilitan al predicador encontrar el material adecuado para su sermón.
€28.49 €17.09

1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking

Drawn from a broad array of sources, topics in this compilation range from Ability and Acceptance to Words, Work, and Worship.
€12.34 €7.40

1001 Illustrations That Connect

Here are 1001 of the best illustrations assembled by the editors of Christianity Today’s PreachingToday.com. They’re contemporary, proven, memorable, and illuminating---these illustrations will preach! Furthermore, they’re carefully arranged and indexed so it’s easy to find the right one. An included CD-ROM makes getting the illustration into your sermon or lesson a breeze.
€28.49 €17.09

1001 More Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking

1001 More Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking, much like its rib-tickling predecessor, is a gold mine of one-liners, jokes, and humorous anecdotes for almost any topic.
€15.19 €9.11

1001 Quotations That Connect

Wracking your brain for succinct, “preachable” quotations? Relax! This volume features inspiring observations from influential people of the past two millennia. It’s the perfect resource for preachers, teachers, and writers. Extensively indexed for ease of retrieval, the book includes a CD-ROM from which text files of all the quotations can be pasted into your documents.
€23.74 €14.24

1002 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking

Michael Hodgin offers this third book in a series of humorous, audience-tested illustrations that enable speakers to connect with their listeners in an effective way.
€16.14 €9.68

101 Bible Stories from Creation to Revelation

Creation to Revelation: 101 Bible Stories is a collection of well-known and beloved Bible stories written for young independent readers and includes delightful illustrations.
€11.39 €6.83

101 Bible Stories from Creation to Revelation

Creation to Revelation: 101 Bible Stories is a collection of well-known and beloved Bible stories written for young independent readers and includes delightful illustrations.
€14.24 €8.54

101 Ideas creativas para grupos pequeños

Excelente recurso para grupos pequeños de iglesia, aunque sus dinámicas también pueden ser adaptadas para distintos contextos, como grupos de amigos, ocasiones especiales y escuela dominical.
€9.49 €5.69

101 Ideas creativas para la familia

El énfasis es acercar el esposo, la esposa y los hijos. Todas las actividades, incluso las más divertidas, como búsqueda del tesoro, picnic en el patio, noche de los elogios y rey por un día, contienen lecciones profundas de afecto, respeto, compañerismo y confianza. El objetivo principal es suplir la falta de tiempo que la familia tiene para dedicarse los unos a los otros – y también pasar a través de las crisis rompiendo las barreras que muchas veces separan las personas bajo el mismo techo.
€9.49 €5.69

101 Ideas creativas para maestros

El maestro sabio comunica el contenido con creatividad, y en este libro encontrará un catálogo de ideas con material práctico, de valores y bíblico para la enseñanza.
€11.39 €6.83

101 Ideas creativas para mujeres

Excelente recurso para actividades y reuniones de mujeres. Sus dinámicas también pueden ser adaptadas para otros contextos, como grupos de amigos, familias, ocasiones especiales y escuela dominical.
€9.49 €5.69

101 Ideas for Making Disciples in Your Youth Group

Create a missional youth ministry where disciple-making happens naturally by exploring the idea of ACTS: Adoration, Community, Truth-and-Grace, and Serving-and-Sharing. Through ACTS, you’ll see Jesus’ style of ministry and how to apply it to yours. With 101 ideas that are easy to implement, your ministry can start looking the way you envisioned.
€18.04 €10.82

101 preguntas difíciles, respuestas directas

¿Quién no tiene preguntas? ¿Quién no tiene dudas e interrogantes para las que no encuentra respuestas? Este es un libro práctico, que brinda 101 respuestas directas a las preguntas más comunes de la juventud. Se trata de un material incomparable y útil para responder tus propias preguntas o también las de otros que te servirá como un trampolín para saltar más alto en tu fe.
€9.49 €5.69

101 Things Every Girl Should Know

New to the Faithgirlz series, in partnership with Girls’ Life magazine, Things Every Girl Should Know teaches girls to take charge and feel confident in a variety of situations, from changing a bike tire to talking to your teacher about a bad grade. With problem-solving strategies, tips and humor, this is a book every girl needs.
€14.24 €8.54

101 Verses that Stick for Boys based on the NIV Boys Bible

Designed with the same fun look as the popular NIV Boys Bible, these sticky note verses are a cool way for tween boys to be encouraged and share their faith at home or school. 101 Verses that Stick for Boys is perfect for boys to stick in their lockers or rooms.
€6.64 €3.98

101 Verses that Stick for Girls based on the NIV Faithgirlz! Bible, Revised Edition

Designed with the same fun look as the popular NIV Faithgirlz Bible, these sticky note verses are a cool way for tween girls to be encouraged and share their faith at home or school. 101 Verses that Stick for Girls is perfect for girls to hang in their lockers or rooms.
€6.64 €3.98

101 Verses that Stick for Kids based on the NIV Adventure Bible

Designed with the same fun look as the popular Adventure Bible, these sticky note verses are a cool way for kids to be encouraged and share their faith at home or school. 101 Verses that Stick for Kids is perfect for kids to stick in their lockers or rooms.
€6.64 €3.98

101 Verses that Stick for Teens based on the NIV Teen Study Bible

Designed to be a cool way for teens to display and share their faith at school, this is perfect for students to hang in their lockers.
€6.64 €3.98

101 Ways to Have Fun

Gleaned from almost two decades of magazine and online feedback from readers, the Girls’ Life 100 lists are the best ways for girls to get the completely time-tested 411 on what they want most, whether it's the down-low on guys, absolute must-reads, speedy style, how to get in shape fast or how to wear your hair.
€14.24 €8.54

10-Minute Talks

Youth ministry regularly calls for moments where the “short talk” is the perfect solution. No three points and a poem, no long fancy outlines, just a ten minute talk that tells one point loud and clear through a powerful story. When you’ve only got ten minutes to make your point, give em’ something that they’ll remember.
€23.74 €14.24

12 'Christian' Beliefs That Can Drive You Crazy

This book helps people understand twelve common false assumptions about Christianity that cripple their faith.
€16.14 €9.68

12 'Christian' Beliefs That Can Drive You Crazy

This book helps people understand twelve common false assumptions about Christianity that cripple their faith.
€18.04 €10.82

1-2 Samuel

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€42.74 €25.64

1-2 Samuel, A Video Study

1-2 Samuel, A Video Study, featuring Paul S. Evans, helps pastors, students, Sunday School teachers, and laypeople to live out the biblical text in today's world, by illuminating each passage of 1 and 2 Samuel in light of the Bible's grand story.
€132.99 €79.79

12 Sermones selectos de John MacArthur

Estos son los doce sermones más importantes que John MacArthur ha predicado y que han contribuido a acercar a muchas personas a Cristo y a revolucionar completamente corazones y vidas.
€14.24 €8.54

2 Chronicles, Volume 15

WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
€42.74 €25.64

2 Corinthians

New Community Series is a cutting-edge series lets you explore life-changing topics from a biblical perspective in community with others in your small group. Challenging questions encourage you to reflect on Scripture and its impact on your life, both as an individual and as part of a community of Christ followers.
€9.49 €5.69

2 Corinthians

John MacArthur takes readers through the book of 2 Corinthians, exploring Paul’s words against false teachers in the church and the need to always focus on Christ.
€9.49 €5.69

2 Corinthians

New Community Series is a cutting-edge series lets you explore life-changing topics from a biblical perspective in community with others in your small group. Challenging questions encourage you to reflect on Scripture and its impact on your life, both as an individual and as part of a community of Christ followers.
€33.24 €19.94

2 Corinthians

A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts.
€37.99 €22.79

2 Corinthians

The Jeremiah Bible Studies bring Scripture to life in twelve lessons filled with teachings from Dr. David Jeremiah, one the most respected Bible teachers today. Each volume includes study questions, commentary, and reflections to help readers understand what the Bible means to them today.
€12.34 €7.40

2 Corinthians

John MacArthur takes readers through the book of 2 Corinthians, exploring Paul’s words against false teachers in the church and the need to always focus on Christ.
€9.49 €5.69

2 Corinthians

John MacArthur takes readers through the book of 2 Corinthians, exploring Paul’s words against false teachers in the church and the need to always focus on Christ.
€12.34 €7.40

2 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus: Ministering in the Spirit and Strength of Jesus

The Spirit-Filled Life Study Guides interactive approach offers an in-depth look at practical living in God's kingdom and challenges users to examine and live their daily lives in light of God's Word.
€9.49 €5.69

2 Corinthians, A Video Study

2 Corinthians, A Video Study, taught by scholar and professor Scott Hafemann, shows how to bring the ancient message of 2 Corinthians into a modern context, and explains not only what the letter meant to its original audience but also how it can speak to us powerfully today.
€132.99 €79.79

2 Corinthians, Volume 40

A revised and updated edition of Ralph P. Martin’s commentary on 2 Corinthians.
€52.24 €31.34

2 Kings

John MacArthur takes readers through the book of 2 Kings, beginning with the godly reign of Jehoshaphat in Judah, continuing through the ministry of the prophet Elijah, and concluding with the fall of both kingdoms.
€9.49 €5.69

2 Kings, Volume 13

WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
€47.49 €28.49

2 Peter, Jude

The NIV Application Commentary helps readers with the vital task of bringing the ancient message of the Bible into a contemporary context. It gives preachers and teachers the tools, ideas, and insights they need to communicate God’s Word with the same powerful impact it had when it was first written.
€28.49 €17.09

2 Peter-Jude

A companion to the acclaimed Word Biblical Commentary, the Word Biblical Themes series helps readers discover the most important themes of a book of the Bible. This series distills the theological essence of a given book of Scripture and serves it up in ways that enrich the preaching, teaching, worship, and discipleship of God’s people.
€18.99 €11.39

2 Samuel

John MacArthur takes readers through the book of 2 Samuel, exploring the historical period beginning with David’s struggle to establish his throne, continuing through his sin and repentance, and concluding with the tragic rebellion of his son Absalom. This study can be used for personal reflection or for use in a small-group setting.
€12.34 €7.40

2 Samuel, Volume 11

WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
€42.74 €25.64

20 and Something, Paperback (Frames Series)

There is a new reality for twentysomethings in the 21st century. The norm among twentysomethings in the 1960s was married, employed, with kids. The norm now: digitally connected, unmarried tribes who are redefining the way we do life. This book unpacks how and why being a twentysomething is different and how to navigate this season of life well.
€7.59 €4.55


In response to recent popular accounts, scientist and philosopher John Lennox offers a Christian perspective on humanity's future with technological enhancement, bioengineering, and AI. Here is a thought-provoking, controversial, balanced, and engaging account of the problems raised by AI and the atheist conception of what it means to be human.
€18.99 €11.39

2084 Video Study

In response to recent popular accounts, scientist and philosopher John Lennox offers a Christian perspective on humanity's future with technological enhancement, bioengineering, and AI. Here is a thought-provoking, controversial, balanced, and engaging account of the problems raised by AI and the atheist conception of what it means to be human.
€56.99 €34.19

21 Laws of Leadership in the Bible

Bestselling author John Maxwell draws on the stories of men and women in the Bible to show how they modeled what he calls 'the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership.'
€18.99 €11.39

21 Leadership Issues in the Bible

The more you lead, the greater the number of challenges you face. How do you solve them? Dr. John C. Maxwell has been exploring these issues and helping leaders with them for decades. Where did Maxwell gain such insight into leadership? From the Bible!
€18.99 €11.39

21 Qualities of Leaders in the Bible

Bestselling author John Maxwell examines 21 key leadership traits as modeled by the men and women of the Bible and how they apply to Christians today.
€18.99 €11.39

21st Century Pastor

As we begin the third millennium, David Fisher encourages pastors to become effective in ministry by first finding their identity in Christ.
€12.34 €7.40

22 días contigo, Espíritu Santo

Veintidós intensos días en los que nuestra voluntad y anhelos personales son tocados por la acción del Espíritu a través de la edificación en su Palabra, la reflexión continua, la oración constante y específica, y la aplicación inmediata a nuestra vida, justo en donde nos encontramos. La presencia del Espíritu de Dios en nuestras vidas se encargará de transformarnos.
€12.34 €7.40

22 días contigo, Espíritu Santo

Veintidós intensos días en los que nuestra voluntad y anhelos personales son tocados por la acción del Espíritu a través de la edificación en su Palabra, la reflexión continua, la oración constante y específica, y la aplicación inmediata a nuestra vida, justo en donde nos encontramos. La presencia del Espíritu de Dios en nuestras vidas se encargará de transformarnos.
€9.49 €5.69

25 Days, 26 Ways to Make This Your Best Christmas Ever

Christmas. It should be the most anticipated day of the year. Instead, we dread the shopping, baking, spending, and stress. Bestselling author Ace Collins wants to help you rediscover the joy and peace of the holiday season. Discover how this Christmas can be the happy, joy-filled celebration you’ve always dreamed of!
€15.19 €9.11

3 preguntas clave sobre Jesús

¿Existió realmente Jesús? ¿Es Dios? ¿Resucitó de los muertos? Jesús es uno de los personajes más cuestionados y debatidos de la historia. Este libro se adentra en las referencias históricas y bíblicas que prueban que la fe cristiana es auténtica, no un invento ni una locura.
€9.49 €5.69

3 Seconds

Three seconds is all that stands between those who settle for “whatever” and those who insist on “whatever it takes.” Award-winning author and psychologist Dr. Les Parrott reveals six common impulses that sabotage greatness in our lives. We can unleash our full potential and excellence when we learn how to give our first impulses a second thought.
€13.29 €7.97

3:16 Participant's Guide

Experience the essential truth of the Christian faith as Max Lucado unpacks one of the most beloved scriptures in the entire Bible---John 3:16. Timeless and powerful, these words proclaim a message of love, a source of hope, and a promise of life.
€6.64 €3.98

3:16 Study Guide plus Streaming Video, Updated Edition

In this updated five-session video Bible study, bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado unpacks the meaning behind John 3:16, one of the most beloved verses in the entire Bible.
€18.99 €11.39

3:16 Study Guide with DVD, Updated Edition

In this updated five-session video Bible study, bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado unpacks the meaning behind John 3:16, one of the most beloved verses in the entire Bible.
€47.49 €28.49

3:16 Video Study, Updated Edition

In this updated five-session video Bible study, bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado unpacks the meaning behind John 3:16, one of the most beloved verses in the entire Bible.
€28.49 €17.09

30 Church Life Cartoon Postcards

Each of these 32-page books includes 30 postcards that can be torn out and mailed. Each of the 120 original cartoons stand alone as a lighter, humorous look at faith while keeping a respectful tone.
€7.59 €4.55

30 Days to Understanding the Bible Study Guide

In this six-session video Bible study, pastor and bestselling author Max Anders helps participants grasp the key people, events, and doctrines of the Christian faith to get the most out of their study of the Bible.
€13.29 €7.97

30 Days to Understanding the Bible Study Guide with DVD

In this six-session video Bible study, pastor and bestselling author Max Anders helps participants grasp the key people, events, and doctrines of the Christian faith to get the most out of their study of the Bible.
€40.84 €24.50

30 Days to Understanding the Bible Video Study

In this six-session video Bible study, pastor and bestselling author Max Anders helps participants grasp the key people, events, and doctrines of the Christian faith to get the most out of their study of the Bible.
€28.49 €17.09

30 Days: A Practical Introduction to Reading the Bible

Nicky Gumbel has selected thirty fascinating passages from the Old and New Testament, accompanied by a challenging commentary and thoughtful prayer. Designed to be read over thirty days, this book guides the reader through the process of Bible study.
€14.24 €8.54

30 Life Principles

Charles Stanley lays out 30 Life Principles that can help you become more like Christ every day. This is accomplished through the power of His Holy Spirit, and through your own diligence and discipline.
€12.34 €7.40

30 Life Principles Bible Study

Dr. Charles Stanley shares 30 life principles that will help you grow in your knowledge, service, and love of God.
€18.99 €11.39

30 Life Principles, Revised and Updated

Pastor and bestselling author Dr. Charles Stanley guides readers through 30 Life Principles found in God’s Word to show them how to live the Spirit-filled and victorious lives they were created to have.
€14.24 €8.54

31 Days to Great Sex

This super practical book gives thirty-one days of challenges for you and your spouse to help you talk, flirt, and explore all three levels of sexual intimacy--physical, emotional, and spiritual--so you both can experience the best sex ever.
€18.04 €10.82

365 Devotions for a Thankful Heart

No matter how difficult life seems, you will find more joy when you choose gratitude. Boost your happiness and deepen your walk with God by becoming aware of all you have to appreciate. 365 Devotions for a Thankful Heart is a daily devotional that will inspire you to slow down, recognize God’s gifts, and be grateful for all His blessings.
€14.24 €8.54

365 Devotions for Finding Rest

Hours spent in traffic, days packed with meetings or activities, and never-ending to-do lists leave us all weary and in need of rest. 365 Devotions for Finding Rest invites you into a calming space to connect with the Lord and reset your heart for rest. This beautiful devotional is also a great value.
€14.24 €8.54

365 Devotions for Hope

365 Devotions for Hope shares the simple but profound message that when we know God, we are filled with His divine hope that can help us endure and overcome any situation, no matter how difficult.
€14.24 €8.54

365 Devotions for Living Joyfully

Discover the joy of the Lord in fresh ways through the beautiful new 365 Devotions for Living Joyfully. Full of simple, accessible devotions for every day of the year, this book will help you find deep, unshakable, biblical joy and will inspire you to live your most joyful life.
€14.24 €8.54

365 Devotions for Peace

Life is stressful, but starting each day with the Author of peace will change your entire day. String together 365 peaceful days, and you have a life-changing year!
€14.24 €8.54

365 Devotions to Embrace What Matters Most

This daily devotional puts life into perspective, reminding you not to dwell on earthly matters of little importance, but to spend time each day connecting with God---these are the moments that matter the most.
€15.19 €9.11

365 Devotions to Love God and Love Others Well

In our culture, where social media 'friends' trump real-life relationships, people have never been more isolated and lonely. 365 Devotions to Love God and Love Others Well helps us experience God's perfect love for us and enables us to love others in a meaningful, honest, and profound way.
€14.24 €8.54

365 Meditaciones con la Virgen María

365 Meditaciones con la Virgen María nos brinda meditaciones basadas en los milagros, las bendiciones y las curaciones de la Virgen María. Este libro es una poderosa invitación a la oración, el perdón, la esperanza y el amor.
€14.20 €8.52

365 Santos

Ingenioso y asombroso, simple y sublime, 365 Santos ofrece un año entero de meditaciones y sugerencias prácticas para emular a los santos hoy en día.
€14.24 €8.54

3Story Participant's Guide

In this Participant's Guide, along with the video curriculum, you'll learn how to share your story with your friends, and to listen to their stories so you can connect your story and their stories to God's story. It's a way of life unlike anything you've experienced, guiding you to share your faith naturally and authentically.
€7.59 €4.55

40 Days of Community Devotional

In this 40-day devotional pastor Rick Warren illustrates God’s plan for us to fulfill his purposes in the context of community rather than being alone. Designed for use with the corresponding small group Bible study Participant Guide and DVD (both sold separately).
€10.44 €6.26

40 Days of Community Study Guide

In this six-session small group Bible study 40 Days of Community, pastor Rick Warren illustrates God’s plan for us to fulfill his purposes in the context of community rather than in isolation. Designed for use with the corresponding DVD and Devotional Journal (both sold separately).
€9.49 €5.69

40 Days of Community Study Guide 3-product pack

In the 40 Days of Community small group bible study, pastor Rick Warren illustrates God’s plan for us to fulfill his purposes in the context of community. This set includes one Participant guide, one Devotional, and one DVD.
€42.74 €25.64

40 Days of Community Video Study

In this six-session small group Bible study DVD, pastor Rick Warren illustrates God’s plan for us to fulfill his purposes in the context of community. Designed for use with the corresponding Participant Guide and Devotional Journal (both sold separately).
€25.64 €15.38

40 Days of Love

Through this six-session small group Bible study DVD, pastor Rick Warren teaches participants to constantly focus on authentically loving God and loving others as their deepest desire and highest aspiration.
€18.99 €11.39

40 Days of Love Study Guide

Through this six-session small group Bible study, 40 Days of Love, pastor Rick Warren teaches participants to constantly focus on authentically loving God and loving others as their deepest desire and highest aspiration.
€9.49 €5.69

40 Days Through the Bible

Take a 40-day journey with Lysa TerKeurst and the Proverbs 31 Ministries Team through the storyline of the Bible so you can see major themes, how they are all connected, and what that means for us as we read the Bible today.
€18.99 €11.39

40 Days to Awakening

40 Days to Awakening is a 40-day devotional that accompanies The Second Half of the Gospel by pastor and author J.D. Walt. J.D. details a path leading persons from shallow belief to powerful faith, where striving commitment gives way to surrendered consecration and predictable religious ruts can be left behind for a movemental awakened life.
€12.34 €7.40

40 días con propósito - DVD

EL DVD Una vida con propósito es un estudio de seis semanas para grupos pequeños, basado en vídeo, acerca de Una vida con propósito de Rick Warren, que fue designado por Publishers Weekly como 'el libro de mayor éxito de librería de no ficción en la historia'.
€14.24 €8.54

40 días con propósito- Guía de estudio del DVD

La Guía de estudio del DVD de Una vida con propósito es un estudio de grupo pequeño basado en video, de seis semanas, de Una vida con propósito de Rick Warren; el libro que Publishers Weekly declaró 'el libro mayor éxito de librería, en percalina, y no ficción en la historia'.
€9.49 €5.69

50 proyectos de acción social para involucrar a los jóvenes y cambiar el mundo

Este es un libro práctico, útil y desafiante. El autor, diagrama un contenido provocador con el fin de que cualquiera que se considere un “cambia-mundo” pueda embarcarse en la aventura de transformar su comunidad, cuidad o país. Y ¿por qué no?, cruzar las fronteras para escuchar la voz de aquellos en mayor necesidad.
€8.54 €5.12

500 Ideas para el ministerio juvenil

¿Estás listo para que tus jóvenes digan WOW? ¿Estás lista para que tus jóvenes digan ESO SÍ ESTUVO BUENO? Ideas prácticas, ideas locas, ideas específicas, ideas inéditas, ideas justas, ideas para casi todas las necesidades del ministerio juvenil. Un pequeño libro que te va a ayudar a elevar el nivel de eficacia y creatividad de tu ministerio. Una colección de ideas seleccionadas por uno de los ministros más ocurrentes e innovadores de la iglesia hoy.
€7.59 €4.55

51 Creative Ideas for Marriage Mentors

Designed to work on its own or in tandem with the Parrotts’ other marriage mentoring resources, 51 Creative Ideas for Marriage Mentors will inspire fresh ideas, increase a sense of vision for the marriage mentoring process, and build the confidence of all marriage mentors, regardless of age or stage.
€8.54 €5.12

52 Weeks Praying the Names of God

52 Weeks Praying the Names of God is a study that explores the most prominent names of God throughout the Bible to reveal the deeper meanings behind them and to teach you how to pray through them in a slow and intentional way.
€18.99 €11.39

5-Minute Adventure Bible Stories

Children will love these timeless 5-minute Bible adventures, featuring more than 30 classic stories such as Noah’s ark, Daniel and the lions, the birth of Jesus, and more! Settle in for reading time with your little one and 5-Minute Adventure Bible Stories.
€12.34 €7.40

5-Minute Adventure Bible Stories, Polar Exploration Edition

Children will love these timeless 5-minute Bible adventures, featuring more than 30 classic stories. Settle in for reading time with your little one and 5-Minute Adventure Bible Stories, Polar Exploration Edition.
€12.34 €7.40

5-Minute Devotions for Girls

The Faithgirlz 5-Minute Devotions for Girls: 180 Daily Devotions is the perfect book for girls on the go. With beautiful packaging, a highly designed interior, and short and sweet devotions applicable to everyday life, busy girls will love spending five minutes each day growing closer to God.
€14.24 €8.54

7 Days of Awesome

Full of delightful rhymes and charming illustrations, 7 Days of Awesome by Shawn Byous and Colin Jack portrays the seven days of creation with a fun, humorous style children will love.
€16.14 €9.68

7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership

In 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership, Kate Coleman considers what lies at the root of the many challenges facing today's leaders--women and men--and discusses ways of dealing with them.
€27.54 €16.52

7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage

Strong, successful marriages requires hard work and a guide. Dr. Kim Kimberling is that guide, and the 7 secrets to an Awesome Marriage and the tools within show wives and husbands how they can have the kind of communication and intimacy that results in loving, lifelong marriages.
€15.19 €9.11

8 Essentials for a Life of Significance

For over 20 years, Dr. Jay Strack has been working with young Christian leaders, teaching them to have a better understanding of God's calling in their lives. The topics chosen for the Student Leadership University Study Guide Series represent teaching model that Dr. Strack has developed over the years to address the tough questions asked today.
€9.49 €5.69

9 cosas que todo líder debe hacer

Basado en un innovador estudio psicológico sobre las maneras en que piensan y viven los individuos exitosos, el Dr. Henry Cloud ofrece un mapa simple pero profundo para ayudar tanto a los líderes como a aquellos que desean serlo a llegar a niveles de crecimiento e influencia corporativa mayores a los que creyeron posible.
€9.49 €5.69

A Beautiful Arrangement

The third and final novel in the Amish Journeys series by bestselling author Beth Wiseman.
€15.19 €9.11

A Beautiful Arrangement

The third and final novel in the Amish Journeys series by bestselling author Beth Wiseman.
€8.54 €5.12

A Beautiful Arrangement

The third and final novel in the Amish Journeys series by bestselling author Beth Wiseman.
€25.64 €15.38

A Believe Devotional for Kids: Think, Act, Be Like Jesus

Think, Act, Be Like Jesus; A Believe Devotional for Kids, written by Randy Frazee and illustrated by Steve Adams, encourages kids to think, act, and be more like Jesus.
€12.34 €7.40

A Better Life

In her down-to-earth and helpful debut book, A Better Life: Slowing Down to Get Ahead, Rebecca Smith - the founder of Better Life Bags - shares her story of how God can use even the smallest decisions in our lives to lead us into big adventures as we love others right where we are.
€18.04 €10.82

A Brief Guide to Ideas

A popular introduction to the history of Western religion and philosophy, this volume contains information on all familiar names in the fields as well as more obscure contributors to the broad scope of intellectual pursuit.
€21.84 €13.10

A Brief History of Old Testament Criticism

In A Brief History of Old Testament Criticism---a concise, intelligent, in-depth historical overview ideal for classroom use---Mark Gignilliat discusses key critical scholars and their theories of Old Testament interpretation.
€16.14 €9.68

A Brief Survey of the Bible Study Guide

John Walton, professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, and Mark Strauss, professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary San Diego, provide participants with an overview of the key themes, events, and characters in the entire Bible.
€10.44 €6.26

A Brief Survey of the Bible Study Guide with DVD

John Walton, professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, and Mark Strauss, professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary San Diego, provide participants with an overview of the key themes, events, and characters in the entire Bible.
€47.49 €28.49

A Brief Survey of the Bible Video Study

John Walton, professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, and Mark Strauss, professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary San Diego, provide participants with an overview of the key themes, events, and characters in the entire Bible.
€37.99 €22.79

A Carol for Christmas

What would you give up for love? For Carol, it was her passion to sing. But was her sacrifice worth it now that her marriage is crumbling? In this heartwarming novella, two people discover the true essence of Christmas and its power to rekindle the flames of love.
€11.39 €6.83

A Certain Risk

In his memoir, A Certain Risk, author Paul Richardson will inspire you to engage the complexities of your world with creative solutions---with creativity that comes straight from the heart of the Creator. Drawing on stories from his life as a change specialist in the world’s largest Muslim country, Richardson explores what causes you to be pinned down under personal apathy and disappointment, and he helps you seek the Spirit-fueled life that can set you free.
€12.34 €7.40

A Certain Risk

In his memoir, A Certain Risk, author Paul Richardson will inspire you to engage the complexities of your world with creative solutions---with creativity that comes straight from the heart of the Creator. Drawing on stories from his life as a change specialist in the world’s largest Muslim country, Richardson explores what causes you to be pinned down under personal apathy and disappointment, and he helps you seek the Spirit-fueled life that can set you free.
€18.04 €10.82

A Chicken's Guide to Talking Turkey with Your Kids About Sex

Family commentator and humorist Dr. Kevin Leman and human sexuality expert Kathy Flores Bell team up to write a book for parents on teaching their pubescent children (ages 8 to 14) about sex.
€13.29 €7.97

A Chicken's Guide to Talking Turkey with Your Kids About Sex

Family commentator and humorist Dr. Kevin Leman and human sexuality expert Kathy Flores Bell team up to write a book for parents on teaching their pubescent children (ages 8 to 14) about sex.
€12.34 €7.40

A Christian's Guide to Planet Earth

With colorful graphics, approachable data, and a biblical foundation, A Christian's Guide to Planet Earth will reawaken your heart and mind to the magnificence of God's creation and offer practical ways to love our planet the way God does.
€17.09 €10.25

A Christmas Gift for Rose

Inspired by a true story, A Christmas Gift for Rose is a heartwarming tale of sacrifice, deep love, and discovering one’s true identity.
€15.19 €9.11

A Christmas Gift for Santa

A Christmas Gift for Santa, A Bedtime Book for Little Ones shows a different side of the Christmas story. When Santa Claus returns home after delivering Christmas presents to all the boys and girls, he wonders if he too will receive a gift.
€17.09 €10.25

A Christmas Gift for Santa

A Christmas Gift for Santa, A Bedtime Book for Little Ones shows a different side of the Christmas story. When Santa Claus returns home after delivering Christmas presents to all the boys and girls, he wonders if he too will receive a gift.
€9.49 €5.69

A Clash of Kingdoms Discovery Guide

Like the Roman Empire, today's governments or organizations can become centered on power and believe their messages are the 'good news.' As Christians, we’re called to proclaim God's name in all the earth, but how do we to do that in the midst of false gospels?
€14.24 €8.54

A Clash of Kingdoms Discovery Guide with DVD

Like the Roman Empire, today's governments or organizations can become centered on power and believe their messages are the 'good news.' As Christians, we're called to proclaim God’s name in all the earth, but how do we to do that in the midst of false gospels?
€47.49 €28.49

A Clash of Kingdoms Video Study

Like the Roman Empire, today's governments or organizations can become centered on power and believe their messages are the 'good news.' As Christians, we're called to proclaim God’s name in all the earth, but how do we to do that in the midst of false gospels?
€37.99 €22.79

A Counselor's Guide to Christian Mindfulness

Christian mindfulness is about making time, on purpose, to turn our whole attention to God so that we can hear His still small voice above the chatter. In A Counselor's Guide to Christian Mindfulness John Trent and Regina Trammel offer counselors training in mindfulness-based therapies from a Christian and biblical perspective.
€23.74 €14.24

A Crazy, Holy Grace

When pain is real, why is God silent? This brand new collection is the best of acclaimed author Frederick Buechner’s essays on pain, loss, and the healing power of memories, including one chapter never before published, that explore God’s tender grace and how to be stewards of the pain in our lives.
€15.19 €9.11

A Crazy, Holy Grace

When pain is real, why is God silent? This brand new collection is the best of acclaimed author Frederick Buechner’s essays on pain, loss, and the healing power of memories, including one chapter never before published, that explore God’s tender grace and how to be stewards of the pain in our lives.
€16.14 €9.68

A Curse of Gold

From author Annie Sullivan comes A Curse of Gold, the sequel to A Touch of Gold, which tells the story of the daughter King Midas turned to gold.
€17.09 €10.25

A Dangerous Stage

In A Dangerous Stage, the second book in Camy Tang’s Protection for Hire series, Tessa Lancaster must protect a contestant from a nationally televised singing competition who has information that the show is rigged. Tang once again delivers a clever mix of action, mystery, and romance.
€23.74 €14.24

A Dangerous Stage

In A Dangerous Stage, the second book in Camy Tang’s Protection for Hire series, Tessa Lancaster must protect a contestant from a nationally televised singing competition who has information that the show is rigged. Tang once again delivers a clever mix of action, mystery, and romance.
€12.34 €7.40

A Daring Sacrifice

In this new historical YA romance novel from author Jody Hedlund, when a young maiden dedicates her life to protecting the mistreated, she finds herself in opposition with a wealthy knight in her cruel uncle’s service---and before long, both are forced to fight their feelings for each other as well.
€18.04 €10.82

A Daring Sacrifice

In this new historical YA romance novel from author Jody Hedlund, when a young maiden dedicates her life to protecting the mistreated, she finds herself in opposition with a wealthy knight in her cruel uncle’s service---and before long, both are forced to fight their feelings for each other as well.
€12.34 €7.40

A December Bride

A year’s worth of novellas from twelve inspirational romance authors. Happily ever after guaranteed. What started as a whim turned into an accidental---and very public---engagement. Can Layla and Seth keep up the façade in Chapel Springs this holiday season---for the sake of her career . . . and his heart?
€11.39 €6.83

A Dios por el ADN

Se puede hablar de ADN y de Dios. Esta es la propuesta del movimiento apologético que defiende el Diseño Inteligente en este libro.
€16.14 €9.68

A Distant Dawn

Following the death of their parents, twenty-four-year-old Sunniva Lyndall and her younger brother, Tracy, leave the comforts and safety of their Ohio Valley home to travel west to California. But unplanned adventure awaits Sunny with the greatest challenge of her young life.
€18.04 €10.82

A Distant Dawn

Following the death of their parents, twenty-four-year-old Sunniva Lyndall and her younger brother, Tracy, leave the comforts and safety of their Ohio Valley home to travel west to California. But unplanned adventure awaits Sunny with the greatest challenge of her young life.
€20.89 €12.53

A Dolphin Wish

Join twins Mia and Maddie and their sidekick little sister, LuLu, as they embark on adventure and a little bit of mystery solving while visiting Watery World in sunny California.
€15.19 €9.11

A Dolphin Wish

Join twins Mia and Maddie and their sidekick little sister, LuLu, as they embark on adventure and a little bit of mystery solving while visiting Watery World in sunny California.
€8.54 €5.12

A Double Dose of Love

Prepare for a double dose of romance and fun when two sets of Amish twins find love.
€15.19 €9.11

A Double Dose of Love

Prepare for a double dose of romance and fun when two sets of Amish twins find love.
€8.54 €5.12

A Doubter's Guide to Jesus

A Doubter’s Guide to Jesus is an introduction to the major portraits of Jesus found in the earliest historical sources.
€18.04 €10.82

A Doubter's Guide to Jesus

A Doubter’s Guide to Jesus is an introduction to the major portraits of Jesus found in the earliest historical sources.
€18.04 €10.82

A Doubter's Guide to the Bible

The Bible is the most influential book in history, yet remains unexplored by many. In A Doubter’s Guide to the Bible, John Dickson gives those observing Christianity from the outside a sense of the whole biblical narrative and the lifestyle it inspires.
€15.19 €9.11

A Doubter's Guide to the Ten Commandments

In A Doubter’s Guide to the Ten Commandments, bestselling author John Dickson explores how these ten ancient instructions have changed our world and how they show us what the Good Life looks like. Whether or not one quite believes in the Bible, these ten ancient instructions open up a window to the Western world and on our own soul.
€15.19 €9.11

A Doubter's Guide to World Religions

A Doubter's Guide to World Religions presents each of the world's five major religions and carefully outlines the history, belief systems, and spiritual practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam so that the interested and curious doubters can explore their similarities and differences.
€20.89 €12.53

A Dream of Home

When she moves to Amish country to find peace and healing, Madeleine finds a special community---and a special man---who pull her out of her solitude and into a new life.
€15.19 €9.11

A Dream of Home

When she moves to Amish country to find peace and healing, Madeleine finds a special community---and a special man---who pull her out of her solitude and into a new life.
€7.59 €4.55

A Dream of Home

When she moves to Amish country to find peace and healing, Madeleine finds a special community---and a special man---who pull her out of her solitude and into a new life.
€7.59 €4.55

A Dream So Big

Steve Peifer and his wife agreed to be dorm parents at a school in Kenya for a year to escape their grief over the death of their infant son. But a one-year experiment prompted a personal and family pilgrimage that transformed a seemingly ordinary middle-aged American man, husband, and father into perhaps the most unlikely internationally influential hero you’ve never heard of. Until now.
€26.59 €15.95

A Dream So Big

Steve Peifer and his wife agreed to be dorm parents at a school in Kenya for a year to escape their grief over the death of their infant son. But a one-year experiment prompted a personal and family pilgrimage that transformed a seemingly ordinary middle-aged American man, husband, and father into perhaps the most unlikely internationally influential hero you’ve never heard of. Until now.
€18.99 €11.39

A Faith of Her Own

Can Anna Mae heed God’s call on her life, even if it means leaving behind everything she knows . . . and everyone she loves?
€7.59 €4.55

A Father's Love

A Father’s Love is a level two I Can Read! retelling of the familiar Bible story of a father’s love for his child. Young readers learn about God’s love as a reflection of a father’s love, acceptance, and forgiveness. This is part of the I Can Read! series based on the bestselling NIV Adventure Bible.
€4.74 €2.84

A February Bride

Allie left the love of her life at the altar---to save him from a lifetime of heartbreak. When a Valentine’s Day wedding brings them back together, she struggles against her family’s destructive history. Can Allie ever realize that a marriage is so much more than a wedding dress?
€11.39 €6.83

A Fellowship of Differents

Now in softcover, here author and professor Scot McKnight presents a case that everything we learn about the Christian life we learn from our church. But, what’s the church supposed to be? The church is God’s social experiment of bringing different people to share life as a new kind of family to show love, justice, and life together.
€18.99 €11.39

A Fellowship of Differents

Now in softcover, here author and professor Scot McKnight presents a case that everything we learn about the Christian life we learn from our church. But, what’s the church supposed to be? The church is God’s social experiment of bringing different people to share life as a new kind of family to show love, justice, and life together.
€16.14 €9.68

A Fierce Love

In A Fierce Love, Shauna Shanks shares the intimate story of her unique response to her husband’s infidelity, and points the way for readers to discover renewed love and new life in the face of the potential death of a marriage.
€16.14 €9.68

A General Introduction to the Bible

David Ewert combines the story of the history of the biblical text with the story of the men and the women who went to great extremes to provide their generation with the Word of God in a language that could be understood.
€17.09 €10.25

A Generous Life

In A Generous Life, Hobby Lobby founder David Green shares 10 profound yet attainable practices to adopt a lifestyle of generosity and discover rewards that material wealth can’t buy.
€18.04 €10.82

A Generous Orthodoxy

By celebrating strengths of many traditions in the church (and beyond), this book will seek to communicate a “generous orthodoxy.”
€14.24 €8.54

A Gift of Grace

Now available in a low-priced mass market edition, the first story in the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series by beloved author of Amish Romance, Amy Clipston.
€7.59 €4.55

A Gift of Grace

Now available in a low-priced mass market edition, the first story in the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series by beloved author of Amish Romance, Amy Clipston.
€12.34 €7.40

A Gift of Grace

Now available in a low-priced mass market edition, the first story in the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series by beloved author of Amish Romance, Amy Clipston.
€20.89 €12.53

A Gift of Grace

Now available in a low-priced mass market edition, the first story in the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series by beloved author of Amish Romance, Amy Clipston.
€7.59 €4.55

A Girl Named Mister

New York Times bestselling author Nikki Grimes presents the story of Mary “Mister” Rudine, a teenage girl whose life tips sideways after one mistake: falling for Trey. Now forced to hide not only her shame but a growing secret, Mister tries to find solace in the story of another unwed teenage mother, one who shares her first name.
€8.54 €5.12

A Girl Named Mister

New York Times bestselling author Nikki Grimes presents the story of Mary “Mister” Rudine, a teenage girl whose life tips sideways after one mistake: falling for Trey. Now forced to hide not only her shame but a growing secret, Mister tries to find solace in the story of another unwed teenage mother, one who shares her first name.
€11.39 €6.83

A God-Sized Vision

In God-Sized Vision, Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge recount the fascinating stories of revivals throughout history---from biblical times to the Great Awakenings to more recent revivals in China---strengthening your understanding of God’s work in the past and deepening your faith in the possibility of revival today.
€16.14 €9.68

A God-Sized Vision

In God-Sized Vision, Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge recount the fascinating stories of revivals throughout history---from biblical times to the Great Awakenings to more recent revivals in China---strengthening your understanding of God’s work in the past and deepening your faith in the possibility of revival today.
€18.04 €10.82

A Grace Disguised

By sharing personal experiences, the author shows how responding to loss can be a way to greater depth, compassion, joy, and appreciation of simple blessings.
€18.04 €10.82

A Grace Disguised

By sharing personal experiences, the author shows how responding to loss can be a way to greater depth, compassion, joy, and appreciation of simple blessings.
€21.84 €13.10

A Grace Disguised Revised and Expanded

A revised edition of this classic bestseller which shares with deep compassion what it is to go through sorrow, whether due to illness, divorce, or the loss of someone we love. In coming to the end of ourselves, we can come to the beginning of a new life.
€24.69 €14.81

A Grace Revealed

The long-awaited companion to A Grace Disguised, this eloquently written reflection on hope, loss, and God’s story of redemption will inspire and empower you. As Jerry Sittser writes, the plot line of our individual stories will differ, but the outcome will be the same---a life rich in meaning and conformity to Jesus Christ. Though containing some bad chapters, it will end up being a good story after all.
€20.89 €12.53

A Grace Revealed

The long-awaited companion to A Grace Disguised, this eloquently written reflection on hope, loss, and God’s story of redemption will inspire and empower you. As Jerry Sittser writes, the plot line of our individual stories will differ, but the outcome will be the same---a life rich in meaning and conformity to Jesus Christ. Though containing some bad chapters, it will end up being a good story after all.
€18.99 €11.39

A Graded Reader of Biblical Greek

This companion to Basics of Biblical Greek and Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics contains annotated readings from the New Testament designed for second-year students of the Greek language.
€23.74 €14.24

A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works

A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works, by John F. Evans, summarizes and briefly analyzes all recent and many older commentaries on books of the Bible, giving insightful comments on the approach of each commentary and its interpretive usefulness especially for evangelical interpreters of the Bible.
€23.74 €14.24

A Guide to Deaf Ministry

The beauty of worship can be so powerfully realized in the graceful formations of the language of sign. This is a basic handbook for people who want to develop or improve a ministry to and for the deaf in the local church and includes a foreword by Joni Eareckson Tada.
€15.19 €9.11

A Guide to Interpreting Scripture

Quoting verses without context can have serious consequences. In A Guide to Interpreting Scripture, Dr. Kyomya illustrates what scriptural interpretation is, why it is important, how to do it, and the pitfalls to avoid. Full of ways to enrich your personal study of the Bible, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and instruction you need.
€12.34 €7.40

A Guide to Interpreting Scripture

Quoting verses without context can have serious consequences. In A Guide to Interpreting Scripture, Dr. Kyomya illustrates what scriptural interpretation is, why it is important, how to do it, and the pitfalls to avoid. Full of ways to enrich your personal study of the Bible, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and instruction you need.
€12.34 €7.40

A Guide to Old Testament Theology and Exegesis

The introductory articles from the New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis are presented here in a separate publication, serving as an introduction to Old Testament theology and exegesis.
€20.89 €12.53

A Guide to Theological Reflection

Designed for ministry internship, practicum, and theological field education courses, A Guide to Theological Reflection by Jim Wilson and Earl Waggoner guides ministers-in-training through the key component of fruitful ministry experience, honest and insightful theological reflection.
€18.04 €10.82

A Handbook for Christian Philosophy

This is not a scholarly tone; it is a real handbook that acquaints Christians with a relevant field of study that truly needs the best minds we have.
€21.84 €13.10

A Harmony of the Words and Works of Jesus Christ

This is a harmony of the Gospels giving the text of one, two, three, or four of the Gospels (depending on how many describe any one episode) on the same page. Though it stands on its own as a valuable resource, the book is also a companion volume to 'The Words and Works of Jesus Christ.'
€18.99 €11.39

A Higher Calling

Empowering and inspiring, Dana Isaiah Thomas’ A Higher Calling: Claiming God’s Best for Your Life takes an honest, practical look at growing your faith. Packed with devotions on embracing confidence while letting go of fear, this devotional is perfect for young adults who want to let the ups and downs of life bring them closer to Christ.
€15.19 €9.11

A Hopeful Heart

Hannah Glick married the love of her life, but was widowed too young. Is she ready to risk her heart---and her family---for a new love?
€7.59 €4.55

A Hopeful Heart

Hannah Glick married the love of her life, but was widowed too young. Is she ready to risk her heart---and her family---for a new love?
€7.59 €4.55

A Hopeful Heart

Hannah Glick married the love of her life, but was widowed too young. Is she ready to risk her heart---and her family---for a new love?
€15.19 €9.11

A Horse Named Bob

Theme: Persist in kindness, even if you don’t see it returned right away. Jen has always wanted a horse of her own, but her parents can’t afford one. Then one day, Jen sees a horse in the pasture next door. Will Jen be able to make friends with this old horse … and her cranky neighbor? Does she want to? Find out in this level-two story about kindness.
€4.74 €2.84

A Horse to Love

Meet Skye, a troubled foster girl, sent to live with Christian foster parents who introduce her to the wonderful world of horses. At Keystone Stables, a special-needs dude ranch in central Pennsylvania, Skye meets Champ, a champion sorrel quarter horse who helps her accept God’s unconditional forgiveness and love.
€4.74 €2.84

A January Bride

A year’s worth of novellas from twelve inspirational romance authors. Happily ever after guaranteed. What will happen when novelist Madeleine Houser’s “pen pal” friendship with a lonely widower takes an unexpected turn?
€13.29 €7.97

A Joy I'd Never Known

In this abridged audio download, Jan Dravecky shares her moving story of trial, depression, healing, and learning that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness.
€9.49 €5.69

A July Bride

A year’s worth of novellas from twelve inspirational romance authors. Happily ever after guaranteed.
€11.39 €6.83

A June Bride

A year’s worth of novellas from twelve inspirational romance authors. Happily ever after guaranteed. The reality show ended with an engagement, so why doesn’t this feel like the fairy tale she thought it would be?
€11.39 €6.83

A Kauffman Amish Christmas Collection

Two books in one: A Plain and Simple Christmas---Shunned Anna Mae doesn’t receive the welcome she expects when visiting for Christmas; Naomi’s Gift---Re-introducing twenty-four-year-old Naomi King, who has been burned twice by love and has all but given up on her dreams.
€14.24 €8.54

A Kingdom Called Desire

Author Rick McKinley explains how you can became the honest, passionate follower Jesus is looking for---a follower willing to let your heart be confronted by Christ’s transforming love to fulfill your deepest desires and radically reveal his Kingdom through your life.
€14.24 €8.54

A Kingdom Called Desire

Author Rick McKinley explains how you can became the honest, passionate follower Jesus is looking for---a follower willing to let your heart be confronted by Christ’s transforming love to fulfill your deepest desires and radically reveal his Kingdom through your life.
€15.19 €9.11

A Kite for Moon

A Kite for Moon, written by New York Times bestselling author Jane Yolen and Heidi E.Y. Stemple and illustrated by award-winning artist Matt Phelan, tells a heartfelt story about a young boy’s fascination and unlikely friendship with the moon. Dedicated to Neil Armstrong, this book gives a nod to the 50th anniversary of the first U.S. moon landing.
€17.09 €10.25

A Knight to Remember

Kids will find laughter and fun on each page of this VeggieTales story as they learn the value of loving others.
€9.49 €5.69

A la manera de un pastor

Este libro le mostrará al lector, utilizando chispas de humor, cómo dirigir a los colaboradores para que consideren su trabajo mas como un llamado.
€9.49 €5.69

A la Orilla Azul del Silencio

A la Orilla Azul del Silencio celebra el centenario del nacimiento de Pablo Neruda, probablemente uno de los poetasmás leídos del siglo veinte, y sin lugar a dudas, uno de los más queridos.
€25.64 €15.38

A Lady’s Honor

On the cliffs of 19th-century Cornwall, a spirited, impetuous young woman is torn between the honor of her family and the longing of her heart.
€15.19 €9.11

A Legacy of Faith

This inspirational book from Ruth Graham provides an intimate look at Billy Graham’s life and the impact his legacy has had on those closest to him.
€12.34 €7.40

A Legacy of Preaching, Volume One---Apostles to the Revivalists

A Legacy of Preaching, Volume One follows the great preachers of history from apostles to the revivalists, in their context, as they approach the theological task of preaching. This volume explores preaching through the lives, ministry, and theology of history’s most influential preachers.
€47.49 €28.49

A Legacy of Preaching, Volume Two---Enlightenment to the Present Day

A Legacy of Preaching, Volume Two follows the great preachers of history from the Enlightenment to the present day, in their context, as they approach the theological task of preaching. This volume explores preaching through the lives, ministry, and theology of history’s most influential preachers.
€47.49 €28.49

A Legacy of Preaching: Two-Volume Set---Apostles to the Present Day

A Legacy of Preaching: Two-Volume Set follows the great preachers of history, in their context, as they approach the theological task of preaching. While some approach preaching from the perspective of movements and eras, this unique two-volume set explores preaching through the lives, ministry, and theology of history’s most influential preachers.
€75.99 €45.59

A Life Beyond Amazing Study Guide

This eleven-lesson study guide, which accompanies the book of the same name, will help Christians focus more on who they are than simply what they do in these perilous times.
€12.34 €7.40

A Life of Joy

From beloved Amish author Amy Clipston, A Life of Joy is now available in mass market at a lower price.
€12.34 €7.40

A Life of Joy

From beloved Amish author Amy Clipston, A Life of Joy is now available in mass market at a lower price.
€23.74 €14.24

A Life of Joy

From beloved Amish author Amy Clipston, A Life of Joy is now available in mass market at a lower price.
€7.59 €4.55

A Life of Joy

From beloved Amish author Amy Clipston, A Life of Joy is now available in mass market at a lower price.
€7.59 €4.55

A Life Well Lived Bible Companion

Open this Bible Companion to dig deeply into the principles of God's Word, to hear God's Voice, leading you toward developing A Life Well Lived.
€9.49 €5.69

A Life Worth Living

Nicky Gumbel's A Life Worth Living, based on Paul’s letter to the Philippians, is a practical and positive guide to uncovering a new heart, new purpose, new attitude and a new confidence to the way we live our lives. This book is especially written for those who are just starting out in the Christian life and is an ideal follow-up to Alpha.
€14.24 €8.54

A Life Worth Living, Korean Edition

Nicky Gumbel's A Life Worth Living, based on Paul's letter to the Philippians, is a practical and positive guide to uncovering a new heart, new purpose, new attitude and a new confidence to the way we live our lives. This book is especially written for those who are just starting out in the Christian life and is an ideal follow-up to Alpha. This resource is written in Korean.
€14.24 €8.54

A Lifetime of Wisdom

Looking back to the diving accident at 17 that destined her for a lifetime in a wheelchair, Joni Eareckson Tada recalls the bitterness and despair she felt. But God changed and healed her in unexpected ways by giving her rubies of wisdom about who he is and how he works in all of life’s events. Now she wants to share this treasure with you.
€18.04 €10.82

A Lifetime of Wisdom

Looking back to the diving accident at 17 that destined her for a lifetime in a wheelchair, Joni Eareckson Tada recalls the bitterness and despair she felt. But God changed and healed her in unexpected ways by giving her rubies of wisdom about who he is and how he works in all of life’s events. Now she wants to share this treasure with you.
€16.14 €9.68

A Light So Lovely

Madeleine L’Engle is known the world round for her imaginative spirit and stories, as showcased in her Newbery Award winner A Wrinkle in Time. A Light So Lovely casts a vivid portrait of this iconic writer, whose spiritual legacy of embracing paradox has much to say to a new generation of readers today.
€18.99 €11.39

A Light So Lovely

Madeleine L’Engle is known the world round for her imaginative spirit and stories, as showcased in her Newbery Award winner A Wrinkle in Time. A Light So Lovely casts a vivid portrait of this iconic writer, whose spiritual legacy of embracing paradox has much to say to a new generation of readers today.
€18.99 €11.39

A Little Book of Healing Prayer

A little book of personal prayers and intercessions.
€8.54 €5.12

A Little Book of Women's Prayer

Be inspired and comforted by this portable and powerful book of prayer.
€5.69 €3.41

A Little Guide to Christian Spirituality

As interest in spirituality grows, people need a reliable field guide to distinctly Christian spirituality. This is about living all of live before God, and by his Spirit, in a way that encompasses relationship (Christ with us), transformation (Christ in us), and vocation (Christ through us).
€12.34 €7.40

A Long Bridge Home

In the second book of her Amish series set in Montana, bestselling author Kelly Irvin explores what happens when two different cultures come together in the wake of a natural disaster.
€15.19 €9.11

A los pies del Maestro

Esta obra es un tesoro de trescientos sesenta y seis oraciones que ofrecen una muestra de lo mejor de Charles Spurgeon, escogidas con las necesidades modernas del lector en mente. Además contiene un plan para leer la Biblia completa en un año.
€14.24 €8.54

A Love Letter Life

In this New York Times bestselling book, Little People, Big World TV stars Jeremy and Audrey Roloff share what they learned from their own dating journey to equip you to build godly relationships from your first date to saying 'I do' and beyond.
€18.04 €10.82

A Love Letter Life

In this New York Times bestselling book, Little People, Big World TV stars Jeremy and Audrey Roloff share what they learned from their own dating journey to equip you to build godly relationships from your first date to saying 'I do' and beyond.
€25.64 €15.38

A Love Letter Life

In this New York Times bestselling book, Little People, Big World TV stars Jeremy and Audrey Roloff share what they learned from their own dating journey to equip you to build godly relationships from your first date to saying 'I do' and beyond.
€18.04 €10.82

A Love Made New

Abigail Schrock knows God can make all things new, but does that include her broken heart?
€7.59 €4.55

A Man's Heart

First her father, then her best friend: two heartbreaking deaths have left Jules to look after both the potato farm Pop has left her and her friend's two children. In this relationally rich novel of faith and hope, a young woman struggles to salvage the farm, honor her promise to a dead friend, and win back the man whose heart she broke.
€13.29 €7.97

A Man's Heart

First her father, then her best friend: two heartbreaking deaths have left Jules to look after both the potato farm Pop has left her and her friend's two children. In this relationally rich novel of faith and hope, a young woman struggles to salvage the farm, honor her promise to a dead friend, and win back the man whose heart she broke.
€20.89 €12.53

A March Bride

A year’s worth of novellas from twelve inspirational romance authors. Happily ever after guaranteed. In A March Bride by award-winning author Rachel Hauck, the bride must decide what to do when her special ops. groom goes on assignment and is gone for longer than planned.
€11.39 €6.83

A Matter of Character

The year is 1918 and writing gritty dime novels simply isn't done by a woman. So Daphne McKinley publishes her rough-and-tumble books under a male pseudonym. But when a newspaperman enlists her aid in restoring his grandfather's good name, Daphne finds herself re-examining the power of her words and reconsidering the direction of her life.
€14.24 €8.54

A Matter of Character

The year is 1918 and writing gritty dime novels simply isn't done by a woman. So Daphne McKinley publishes her rough-and-tumble books under a male pseudonym. But when a newspaperman enlists her aid in restoring his grandfather's good name, Daphne finds herself re-examining the power of her words and reconsidering the direction of her life.
€20.89 €12.53

A May Bride

A year’s worth of novellas from twelve inspirational romance authors. Happily ever after guaranteed. She thinks she has prepared for her wedding all her life . . . but it seems she may have forgotten the most important part.
€11.39 €6.83

A Montclair Homecoming

The final book of the fictional Brides of Montclair Series, in which contemporary artist Joy Montrose, heir to the Southern patrician Montrose family, discovers healing, the secret of her past, and hope for the future.
€12.34 €7.40

A Montclair Homecoming

The final book of the fictional Brides of Montclair Series, in which contemporary artist Joy Montrose, heir to the Southern patrician Montrose family, discovers healing, the secret of her past, and hope for the future.
€18.04 €10.82

A Mother's Guide to Raising Herself

Raising great kids starts with raising yourself well, yet it's all too easy to lose our identity in the daily struggle of motherhood. Popular podcaster and mom Sarah Bragg offers refreshing wisdom and shame-free practical help to becoming your best and truest self in A Mother's Guide to Raising Herself.
€18.04 €10.82

A Mother's Secret

An unwed Amish woman yearns for real love and a family. The only thing in her way is the shame she’s been carrying for half of her life.
€7.59 €4.55

A Mother's Secret

An unwed Amish woman yearns for real love and a family. The only thing in her way is the shame she’s been carrying for half of her life.
€15.19 €9.11

A Mother's Secret

An unwed Amish woman yearns for real love and a family. The only thing in her way is the shame she’s been carrying for half of her life.
€7.59 €4.55

A Multi-Site Church Roadtrip

The multi-site church movement is reshaping the way we do church. But how does it actually work? And is it right for your church? Enjoy a guided tour of multi-site churches across America and see for yourself how churches are growing and reaching their communities. This companion to The Multi-Site Church Revolution gives you on-site pictures of the new and creative ways churches are expanding their impact through multiple locations.
€18.04 €10.82

A Multi-Site Church Roadtrip

The multi-site church movement is reshaping the way we do church. But how does it actually work? And is it right for your church? Enjoy a guided tour of multi-site churches across America and see for yourself how churches are growing and reaching their communities. This companion to The Multi-Site Church Revolution gives you on-site pictures of the new and creative ways churches are expanding their impact through multiple locations.
€18.04 €10.82

A New Kind of Youth Ministry

This book guides you on the way to discovering, developing and practicing a new youth ministry design. As your youth ministry’s principal architect, you have the opportunity to realize a rhythm of disciple-making that more effectively engages youth with God, through Jesus, as they journey toward a life of continual spiritual finding and evolution. This resource will provide you with a ministry design that more influentially encourages students to live, lead, and love in the way of Jesus.
€15.19 €9.11

A New Kind of Youth Ministry

This book guides you on the way to discovering, developing and practicing a new youth ministry design. As your youth ministry’s principal architect, you have the opportunity to realize a rhythm of disciple-making that more effectively engages youth with God, through Jesus, as they journey toward a life of continual spiritual finding and evolution. This resource will provide you with a ministry design that more influentially encourages students to live, lead, and love in the way of Jesus.
€15.19 €9.11

A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith

A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith expresses a fully biblical Reformed faith, showing its enduring appeal, coherence, and truthfulness. This standard of Reformed theology is saturated with Scripture and is ideal for theology students, preachers, teachers, and professional theologians seeking a rich resource for study and reference.
€61.74 €37.04

A New Testament Greek Morpheme Lexicon

This book is a systematic and complete presentation of the morphemes of all the words found in the second edition of the classic standard lexicon by Bauer-Arndt-Gingrich-Danker, 'A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature'.
€20.89 €12.53

A Night of Great Joy

New York Times bestselling illustrator Mary Engelbreit presents A Night of Great Joy, a delightful padded cover board book that celebrates the season and tells the story of the nativity through the performance of a children’s Christmas pageant.
€9.49 €5.69

A Night of Great Joy

New York Times bestselling illustrator Mary Engelbreit presents A Night of Great Joy, a delightful padded cover board book that celebrates the season and tells the story of the nativity through the performance of a children’s Christmas pageant.
€9.49 €5.69

A Night of Great Joy

New York Times bestselling illustrator Mary Engelbreit presents A Night of Great Joy, a delightful padded cover board book that celebrates the season and tells the story of the nativity through the performance of a children’s Christmas pageant.
€17.09 €10.25

A November Bride

A year's worth of novellas from twelve inspirational romance authors. Happily ever after guaranteed. Can two romantic missteps ever make a lasting forever?
€11.39 €6.83

A orillas del río piedra me senté y lloré

Viaje a través delos pirineos junto a dos amantes en una busqueda espiritual sin tiempo, y descubra los prufundos secretos del amor y la vida en esta nueva novela comovedora, estilulante y mágica escrita a la manera de su aclamado libro El Alquimista,por el incomparable narrador Paulo Coelho.
€14.24 €8.54

A Pale Horse

CHRONICLES OF BROTHERS is the story of three brothers fighting for the future of humanity. From desert tombs, to the towers of Wall Street, to the ancient past, this super-epic tale reveals the hidden history of mankind and the origins of evil itself. This is the second book in the CHRONICLES OF BROTHERS series.
€16.14 €9.68

A Pale Horse

CHRONICLES OF BROTHERS is the story of three brothers fighting for the future of humanity. From desert tombs, to the towers of Wall Street, to the ancient past, this super-epic tale reveals the hidden history of mankind and the origins of evil itself. This is the second book in the CHRONICLES OF BROTHERS series.
€23.74 €14.24

A Parent's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis

Fights at school, sexual abuse, eating disorders, school crises … the list goes on and on. Hardly a day passes without a local crisis at involving junior highers or high schoolers. This practical resource covers the whole continuum of private and public crisis, equipping parents to work with their kids to deal with any crisis in a way that helps the individual and helps the family stay intact.
€18.04 €10.82

A Perfect Pony

Theme: Jealousy robs joy. Be grateful for your own gifts and for God’s gifts to others. Jen learns how to ride Bob the horse. She thinks Bob is wonderful until she meets her friend’s pony. The pony is perfect, everything Jen always wanted. Can Jen get over her jealousy and appreciate Bob? Find out in this level-two story about seeing the positive side.
€4.74 €2.84

A Perfect Square

The second book in Vannetta Chapman’s first Amish mystery series, now available at a lower price!
€7.59 €4.55

A Perfect Square

The second book in Vannetta Chapman’s first Amish mystery series, now available at a lower price!
€12.34 €7.40

A Picture of Love

In the first novel of Beth Wiseman’s new Amish Inn series, matchmaking widows ensure that two young artists have a second chance at love.
€15.19 €9.11

A Picture of Love

In the first novel of Beth Wiseman’s new Amish Inn series, matchmaking widows ensure that two young artists have a second chance at love.
€25.64 €15.38

A Place at Our Table

In the midst of family heartaches, can two young Amish people move past their grief and trust that God’s will includes finding happiness again?
€7.59 €4.55

A Place at Our Table

In the midst of family heartaches, can two young Amish people move past their grief and trust that God’s will includes finding happiness again?
€15.19 €9.11

A Place for Weakness

The good news that God’s Word proclaims is a recipe to use in times of disaster. That is to say, it comes as a relevant announcement only to those who are in trouble for one reason or another. This book calls for more realism in facing life’s challenges and a richer view of God and his purposes to match them.
€14.24 €8.54

A Place for Weakness

The good news that God’s Word proclaims is a recipe to use in times of disaster. That is to say, it comes as a relevant announcement only to those who are in trouble for one reason or another. This book calls for more realism in facing life’s challenges and a richer view of God and his purposes to match them.
€18.04 €10.82

A Place of Peace

Now available in a low-priced mass market edition, the third story in the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series by beloved author of Amish Romance, Amy Clipston.
€12.34 €7.40

A Place of Peace

Now available in a low-priced mass market edition, the third story in the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series by beloved author of Amish Romance, Amy Clipston.
€7.59 €4.55

A Place of Peace

Now available in a low-priced mass market edition, the third story in the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series by beloved author of Amish Romance, Amy Clipston.
€11.39 €6.83

A Place of Peace

Now available in a low-priced mass market edition, the third story in the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series by beloved author of Amish Romance, Amy Clipston.
€7.59 €4.55

A Plague of Unicorns

A new middle-grade fiction by bestselling author Jane Yolen, Plague of Unicorns reminds us that even heroes come in small sizes.
€7.59 €4.55

A Plague of Unicorns

A new middle-grade fiction by bestselling author Jane Yolen, Plague of Unicorns reminds us that even heroes come in small sizes.
€15.19 €9.11

A Plain and Simple Christmas

In A Plain and Simple Christmas, from the author of the widely popular Kauffman Amish Bakery Series, shunned Anna Mae doesn’t receive the welcome she expects when she pays a visit for Christmas and her world begins to fall apart, leaving her to question her place in her family – and her faith in Amish tradition.
€15.19 €9.11

A Positive Life

If you want to appreciate life to the fullest, this unabridged audio download of A Positive Life reveals nine basic yet powerful lessons for living with passionate faith and joy. Through his story of living with HIV, Shane Stanford will hlp you find contentment in your own life, no matter the circumstances.
€18.04 €10.82

A Practical Primer on Theological Method

A Practical Primer on Theological Method is a 'how-to' manual for doing theology, and a handbook of etiquette for doctrinal discussions with other believers. This popular-level introductory text presents the proper manner, mode, and means of engaging discourse concerning God, his works, and his ways.
€16.14 €9.68